February 5
What's Your Business?
Empowerment Consultant/Life Coach
About Me:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God! Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us: it is in EVERYONE! And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fears, our presence automatically liberates others" -Marianne Williamson Just as the Phoenix, I have burst into a million flames and emerged more beautiful and vibrant from my own ashes each time. As the single mother of two teenagers and a professional woman, the quote above is the statement that I live by. My profession is people. I've left Corporate America in order to fulfill God's purpose for my life. He put me here to be a blessing to others through empowerment and coaching. So I was deemed an Empowerment Consultant and Certified Life Coach. Since deciding to use my God given talents, life has been beautiful. I also volunteer time at a local Transitional Home for Women in the role of a Motivational Workshop Specialist. I've also started a Group BP called, "Women In Control Know Something"...designed specifically as a haven to all who need one. I have absolutely NO time for negativity. It takes positive focus and dedication in order for the Universe to open up and grant you what is truly yours. I have found in my life that there are three things (I call them the Three D's) you MUST do in order to reach your full potential (whatever that means for YOU). The Three D's are, Desire...Deserve...Demand! You must first have the DESIRE for something other than what you have right now. You must then acknowledge that you DESERVE something other than what you have right now. Finally, you must DEMAND, from yourself and others in your life, that you will stop at nothing to get something other than you have right now. I've learned that if you want something that you've never had before, you must first do something that you never done before...start with the Three D's! These are just some of the gifts that I bring to the table when I take on a client. My job is your personal development. Anyone wishing to get more details about scheduling a session or inquiring about the fees and accepted methods of compensation, should simply contact me at: coach_my_life@yahoo.com with your contact information. ONLY SERIOUS INQUIRIES PLEASE!
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This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.
If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.
inspiring people in the world makes it easier to go through hardships in life.
I myself try to always uplift people and empower them, and I hope my words have inspire you today.. Be Bless* take care*
I really love hanging out with so many positive minded people!
If you want to learn over 80 ways you can market
your business for free I invite you to download an eBook I put together.
I normally charge $27 for it but I will give it free to anyone who is
from this network and who needs it.
Consider my gift to helping you get what you want!
Here’s the special link I created for members of this network to download it for free:
Free Web Traffic Course-Get it Now!!
Don't forget to add me as your friend! If I am already one of your friends don’t be such a stranger! Geesh!!!
The Southern Entertainment Awards, oringinally out of Nashville, at Harrahs casino in Tunica, Ms. I am nominated this yr. I need everyone support on this voting process. It take jus a minute to go to the site(link below) Click BALLOT tab..VOTE will appear..Click it...look for the catagory: INDUSTRY POWER PLAYER(FEMALE)..YOU DO NOT HAVE TO VOTE IN EVERY CATAGORY...they will send you a comformation email that you MUST click to make your vote count..I have worked soo hard over the years, especially being a woman in the music industry, dealing with men who have tested my Womanhood and Rank..and have LOST... I'm humble for this reconition by my peers, and would love to be the FIRST BLACK WOMAN to bring this award home..Please comment on my page after you have voted for me..so I can see who my voters were(email all your friends to do the same)..thank all of you who have already voted for me....and I know I cant win without YOU!!Please add me...
SISTA..wishing u nothing but business luv & success...
market for pennies on the dollar what other people charge.
Show your support and build your business.
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WICKS is a fabulous idea for a group! It's about time women started standing up and taking control! Communities like this are extremely empowering! By any chance have you heard about Microsoft’s Office Live Small Business? I just switched over to it, and it’s been great so far :) I think my favorite thing about it is that it’s a complete one-stop shop; I used to have my e-mail, domain name, web server, and store all hosted by different applications and it was extremely inconvenient!
One of the best features is an Email Marketing Beta that helps you to stay in contact with your clients, and you can even send email blasts (and even see who’s opening your emails!) and use HTML to make them more eye-catching! (I hated sending plain e-mails…that’s no fun!)
You can see more about the different features (and sign up!) at http://www.smallbusiness.officelive.com
I was wondering if you’d post some of the information regarding OLSB to the other women in the WICKS group…I think they might really benefit from it, not to mention it’s free! You even get a free domain name for the first year :) I work with Microsoft, so everyone should definitely get in touch with me if they have any questions! I’d be more than happy to answer them! You may also provide my personal e-mail, if you’d like: michellepatterson@officeliveusers.com
Thanks so much! I also added you as a friend, if that’s okay!
Hope to hear from you soon!