
Why do you want to join Black Business Women Online?

This seems like a cool group of women to network with online.

What's Your Business?

Online business offering free ethnic recipes and cooking tips

How did you find BBWO?

Search Engine

About Me:

I am a woman who is passionate about food and cooking and decided I wanted to share this passion with others. I create my own content and recipes for my site and I'm loving the whole process of developing this web business. For unique gourmet food products, cookbooks and gift baskets for the ultimate foodie, visit my webstore at http://www.ethnic-spicy-food-and-more.com/gourmetfoodonline.html



Favorite Website


What are your most common online activities?

reading e-mail, researching websites for personal and business use

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  • Hey Vanessa,

    Advertise Your Business FREE To Network Marketing Professionals Looking To Exchange Business Idea's & Explore New Business Opportunities...

  • Greetings!

    This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.


    If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.

  • a href="http://www.mybannermaker.com" target="_blank">Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!
    The Southern Entertainment Awards, oringinally out of Nashville, at Harrahs casino in Tunica, Ms. I am nominated this yr. I need everyone support on this voting process. It take jus a minute to go to the site(link below) Click BALLOT tab..VOTE will appear..Click it...look for the catagory: INDUSTRY POWER PLAYER(FEMALE)..YOU DO NOT HAVE TO VOTE IN EVERY CATAGORY...they will send you a comformation email that you MUST click to make your vote count..I have worked soo hard over the years, especially being a woman in the music industry, dealing with men who have tested my Womanhood and Rank..and have LOST... I'm humble for this reconition by my peers, and would love to be the FIRST BLACK WOMAN to bring this award home..Please comment on my page after you have voted for me..so I can see who my voters were(email all your friends to do the same)..thank all of you who already voted for me..and I know I cant win without YOU!!Please add me...

    SISTA..Wishing you nothing but business luv & success...
  • Happy to see you in BBWO...

  • phenomenal_women_radio.jpg
  • Vanessa ~ That's great to hear! I'd love to see the website you set up, if you have the URL handy :)

    I hope she finds OLSB helpful in her online start-up...don't forget to let me know if you have any questions! You can reach me here or at my personal e-mail: michellepatterson@officeliveusers.com

    I can't wait to see the site!

    Best wishes,
  • Vanessa ~ I checked out your website...looks great! I understand what you mean about the corporate world; you probably have so much more fun pursuing your own business. I wish you the best of luck :)

    By any chance have you heard of Microsoft’s Office Live Small Business? I just switched over to it, and I suppose it's what you could call a "one-stop shop", since you can have your company e-mail, domain name, store, web server all in one place, rather than logging onto a hundred different places to manage everything!

    I think my favorite part is probably the Email Marketing Beta that helps you to stay in contact with your clients (if you like sending out newsletters, this is great, because you can even use HTML and keep track of who's opening them!).

    Even if you already have a website, you can still switch over to OLSB and keep your same domain name :)

    You can check out the other applications at http://smallbusiness.officelive.com/.

    Let me know what you think! Thanks Vanessa!


    P.S. I would love to have you join my Sistas Online Group - I'm hoping to build it up as a place for women to go and be able to ask questions regarding online business, and share different tips and tricks for growing your business on the internet.
  • Hi Vanessa! I'm new on Sistapreneurs and thought I'd reach out and say hello :)

    How did you get into the culinary field? Unfortunately, my cooking skills are limited, but I've always wanted to be a whiz in the kitchen!

    I look forward to hearing from you!

    Best wishes,
  • Greetings,
    I am a newly appointed Area Coordinator for the National Black Yellow Pages (NBYP); my name is Andrea Fields. I've prepared a brief slide show presentation to introduce you to our directory. While you are viewing the presentation and considering whether or not to advertise with us please keep the following facts in mind:
    - To benefit from "black buying power" you have to be visible.
    - The NBYP was created in 1984 to be the optimal source through which to find quality Black/ African American business owners and business professionals.
    - Those businesses that use the Internet grew 46% faster than those that didn't according to the US Department of Commerce.
    - 87% of online users depend on the Internet to access local information (don't you?) according to Digitrends
    - 52.7% of online business directory users visit a business because of what they saw online also according to Digitrends.
    - A listing in the National Black Yellow Pages will promote you locally and expose you globally.
    - You can advertise with us at prices starting at less than $1.10 per day.

    For more information or to sign up contact via e-mail at nationalblackyellowpages@yahoo.com , or go to www.nationalblackyellowpages.com/068_area.htm peruse the site. Please be sure to use Representative Number 068 when you register to advertise with us.

    With best regards,

    Andrea Fields # 068
    Area Coordinator, National Black Yellow Pages
    248-996-8821 (10:00am - 6:00pm Tue - Fri, EST)

    P.S. If you or someone you know is a sales professional looking for work. We're hiring. = )
  • Click Here www.TravelForCents.com

    What’s MISSING from this picture? YOU!!!!
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