

March 15


What's Your Business?

Creative Treasures

About Me:

I am a stay at home mom. I am married with 3 children. 18 yr old boy, 3 yr old girl and a 7 mo. old boy. I am a christian who really loves jesus christ. I started my own business in october 2006. my website: www.samanthascreativetreasures.com......also www.myspace.com/creativetreasures. handmade decorated *photo frames,*collages,*scrapbooks ,many themes available. looking to network with other businesses.



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  • Hello! I'm new and wanted to introduce you to my business, Ardyss International. Take a look and feel free to contact me with questions.

  • Greetings!

    This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.


    If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.

  • Hello Samantha first let me compliment your business, your products are very unique and I pray God will prosper your business more. I myself am in business in June 2008 I started my own Inspirational
    Business and I am working now on getting my website. I encourage
    you to keep going you seen to be a Inspirational Woman. God Bless!!!
  • a href="http://www.mybannermaker.com" target="_blank">Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!
    The Southern Entertainment Awards, oringinally out of Nashville, at Harrahs casino in Tunica, Ms. I am nominated this yr. I need everyone support on this voting process. It take jus a minute to go to the site(link below) Click BALLOT tab..VOTE will appear..Click it...look for the catagory: INDUSTRY POWER PLAYER(FEMALE)..YOU DO NOT HAVE TO VOTE IN EVERY CATAGORY...they will send you a comformation email that you MUST click to make your vote count..I have worked soo hard over the years, especially being a woman in the music industry, dealing with men who have tested my Womanhood and Rank..and have LOST... I'm humble for this reconition by my peers, and would love to be the FIRST BLACK WOMAN to bring this award home..Please comment on my page after you have voted for me..so I can see who my voters were(email all your friends to do the same)..thank all of you who have already voted for me....and I know I cant win without YOU!!Please add me...

    SISTA..wishing u nothing but business luv & success...
  • After reading your profile, I wanted to share some information with you about a wonderful Black buying and selling initiative. TAG TEAM Marketing is looking for hand crafted items (quality jewelry, soaps, pillows, lotions, cosmetics, candles, stationary, knit, crochet, clothing) and other products (self-published books CD's, etc.) created by Black entrepreneurs to sell on the online store Buy Black Today and at weekly selling events in Atlanta.

    This is an excellent program for Black entrepreneurs that would like to increase their sales, distribution, promotion, as well as, networking with other Black business owners and receive training from Black, self-made, multi-millionaires on how to take their business to the next level and beyond.

    The purpose is to move the products of Black businesses into the hands of Black consumers by using a national sales team of independent distributors called “marketers”. Please visit the website and check out the NEWS, EVENTS and the Buy Black Today Online Store. You will find an almost endless list of videos and testimonials about the Black Business Network membership opportunities and the products at www.tagteammarketing.com/TeamDollar.

    Invited by Darlene Robinson
    Independent Marketer
    Email: mauddarlene.robinson@yahoo.com
  • Not just for Black People. Cash in on the Multi-Billion Dollar African American
    market for pennies on the dollar what other people charge.
    Show your support and build your business.

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  • Hi Samantha. Stopping by to say hello and wish you a Happy Easter. Blessings!

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    Happy Easter from NubianGraphics.com
  • www.youravon.com/dryles

    Curtsey, of me you can go to my website and place order.... The order will be shipped directly to your addresss.

    P.S. If you place and order with me online within 30 days you will receive a free gift. Offer from 3/9/08 until 4/8/08.

    Thank you Deborah Ryles
  • Greetings,
    I am the newly appointed Area Coordinator for the State of Michigan for the National Black Yellow Pages; my name is Andrea Fields. Even though I'm assigned to the State of Michigan, I can accommodate your advertising needs anywhere in the United States. There is a slide show presentation on our home page to introduce you to our directory. While you are viewing the presentation and considering whether or not to advertise with us please keep the following facts in mind:
    - Those businesses that use the Internet grew 46% faster than those that didn't according to the US Department of Commerce.
    - 87% of online users depend on the Internet to access local information (don't you?) according to Digitrends
    - 52.7% of online business directory users visit a business because of what they saw online also according to Digitrends.
    - A listing in the National Black Yellow Pages will promote you locally and expose you globally.

    Our network is over 30 years old. We experience thousands of visitors a month. We are growing daily which creates a funnel of traffic back to you. Best of all, you can advertise with us at prices starting at less than $1.10 per day.

    For more information or to sign up contact me via e-mail at andreagfields@yahoo.com , or go to www.nationalblackyellowpages.com peruse the site, then use Representative Number 068 when you register to advertise with us.

    With best regards,

    Andrea Fields # 068
    Area Coordinator, National Black Yellow Pages
  • Hi Samantha. Stopping by to say hello. Have a GREAT week. Blessings!

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