
Friends (361)

  • LaShanda Henry

    What's Your Business?Urban Marketing, Web Development, Graphics Design
  • sandra butler

    Birthday:February 18 What's Your Business?90 Day Challenge Where We Pay to Lose Weight!
  • Glenda Cates

    Birthday:November 4 What's Your Business?Longaberger
  • Rae Vonshae

    Birthday:December 21 What's Your Business?Online advertising, online magazine, business directory
  • How2HealAChild'sSpirit

    Birthday:December 19 What's Your Business?SHARING INFORMATION
  • Daphney Thomas Bracey

    Birthday:April 20 What's Your Business?Licensed Real Estate Agent with Thousand Islands Realty
  • Ms.Dahlia

    Birthday:August 12 What's Your Business?Magazine Owner/ Editor and Radio talk show host
  • Joni Head

    Birthday:November 18 What's Your Business?JONI FASHION BOUTIQUE
  • JonAneice Herbert

    What's Your Business?Ardyss Life/bodybyjona, Jon J Boutique, Laid off to paid off
  • Vivian Greene

    Birthday:August 5 What's Your Business?Author and Illustrator for children's books and giftwares
  • Day-Day

    Birthday:June 29 What's Your Business?daheprod
  • Brandon

    Birthday:June 4 What's Your Business?ViralSO
  • Zena Contreras

    Birthday:September 14 What's Your Business?Business and Career Coaching
  • Rosanne Reid

    Birthday:July 20 What's Your Business?
  • lakeisha davis

    Birthday:December 31 What's Your Business?author
  • Johnecia L. Hardaway, MBA

    Birthday:March 23 What's Your Business?Creations By Johnecia, LLC

    Birthday:August 18 What's Your Business?World Ventures Travel
  • elaine brewton

    Birthday:November 20 What's Your Business?Making Candles and Gift Baskets