
Friends (271)

  • LaShanda Henry

    What's Your Business?Urban Marketing, Web Development, Graphics Design
  • Lesha

    What's Your Business?Mary Kay and Event Planning.
  • Chanel McCullough

    What's Your Business?Empower Network
  • Ladyj

    Birthday:July 14 What's Your Business?Lms Fragrance, Inc., Ardyss International, Wildtree, and Event Planner
  • Tonya Wilson

    Birthday:April 3 What's Your Business?Ardyss International
  • Lougenia J. Rucker, MA

    What's Your Business?Providing innovative empowering & inspirational services/ products to help others to define, embrace & live on purpose. My passion is working with women & youth to support them in their pursuit of happiness by realizing, refining and releasing their personal brilliance with joy and prosperity! We offer training, consulting, coaching and speaking services. In addition, my personal mission is to inspire women to create time and space for sacred self-care and wellness rituals.
  • Bridget

    What's Your Business?Real Estate, Home Based Internet Business
  • DJ Jiji Sweet

    Age:45 Birthday:April 16 What's Your Business?dj/air personality 102.3 kjlh los angeles
  • Tracy Cannon- Lee

    What's Your Business?Sweet Serenity Child Care
  • melissa coleman

    What's Your Business?im in the process of putting together a business plan for a womens shelter
  • Khadijah Adams

    What's Your Business?I'm an Entrepreneur and a Producer of a local talk show called Wisdom In Action
  • Angel Wood

    Age:57 Birthday:June 21 What's Your Business?In ministry
  • Deonna Gene Moore

    What's Your Business?The Judah Group
  • Angie Fisher

    Birthday:November 7 What's Your Business?
  • Charly the Motivational Pearl

    What's Your Business?Motivational Pearls Enterprises, LlC
  • Shara Mondy

    What's Your Business?Suited For Success- A non-profit men's organization
  • Sasha Ottey -

    What's Your Business?PCOS Challenge, Inc.

    What's Your Business?http"//www,