
Friends (240)

  • J. Williamson

    Birthday:December 7 What's Your Business?Web Designer & Internet Marketing Consultant
  • Angela

    What's Your Business?
  • Tiffany

    Age:49 Birthday:April 5 What's Your Business?Cash Gifting
  • Crystal Smith

    What's Your Business?Entertainment Booking Agent, Promotions, Business Consultant, and Personal Assistant
  • Shepreneur Magazine

    What's Your Business?Business Coaching/ Development for Women
  • Kevelyn Neugent

    What's Your Business?The Chocolate Box

    What's Your Business?Design by Anewlis
  • Jennifer Veal

    What's Your Business?La Bella Baskets
  • TheShoeLady

    Birthday:October 5 What's Your Business?I have an online shoes and clothing and
  • Shirley

    What's Your Business?Trafficzone (Traffic Exchange)
  • Lovley

    What's Your Business?IT Services

    Age:116 Birthday:January 1 What's Your Business?BLUEBOYENTERTAINMENT/HEART STOPPER PRODUCTIONS
  • Vera Johnson

    What's Your Business?Sistas Inc.Com
  • Ticeshia McPherson

    What's Your Business?My business is called the thick Honey's. We are an organization that empowers women of all backgrounds that are struggling with weight, self esteem and any that you could think of from clothing, to finding a exercise partner.
  • Nicole Burney

    What's Your Business?Networking
  • Lisa Bilbro

    What's Your Business?Erotic readers
  • Chiezda Washington

    What's Your Business?Soul Purpose Lifestyle Company
  • Janise

    What's Your Business?Business