
Friends (31)

  • LaShanda Henry

    What's Your Business?Urban Marketing, Web Development, Graphics Design
  • Tina C. Hines

    What's Your Business?I am a Life Transformation Specialist whose focus is primarily in assisting women in reconnecting with their inner self and reclaim the essence of who they were or want to become.
  • Michelle Gabriel-Caldwell

    What's Your Business?Natural Childbirth Education and Doula Services
  • Tscherina Telesford

    What's Your Business?Umoya Designs
  • Gail S. Lawrence

    Birthday:March 27 What's Your Business?undecided
  • Maurice Bradford

    Birthday:December 7 What's Your Business?Health and Wellness
  • juanita simpson

    Birthday:August 1 What's Your Business?
  • Patricia Sehar Peerzada

    Birthday:September 3 What's Your Business?Clothing Designer
  • Tanya Taylor

    Birthday:March 9 What's Your Business?Writer - Blog
  • Larie Writes

    What's Your Business?Published Author, Inspirational Speaker, & Chef
  • Angeline Bandon-Bibum

    Birthday:April 12 What's Your Business?Author
  • RaKhia Celestiales fe

    What's Your Business?RaeKreationz and Empower Network
  • Cameka Smith

    Birthday:November 23 What's Your Business?The BOSS Network
  • Tatia #BossQueen Bradley

    Birthday:January 6 What's Your Business?#BRANDING TB
  • Karima Warren

    Birthday:February 24 What's Your Business?Vacation, Business&Leisure Travel(VBLTravel)
  • Amanda Hollowell

    Birthday:May 30 What's Your Business?Event Planning and Public Relations
  • B Martin

    Birthday:January 10 What's Your Business?Online Accessory Boutique
  • Jeanne A. Mamdu

    Birthday:October 5 What's Your Business?Hand Design Natural.Organic Moisturizers, with performance ingredients