
Friends (170)

  • LaShanda Henry

    What's Your Business?Urban Marketing, Web Development, Graphics Design
  • Dana Neal

    Birthday:August 19 What's Your Business?I have many businesses
  • Phyllis

    What's Your Business?Real Estate Investment, Talent Management, Avon
  • Cheryl Alexander

    Birthday:January 1 What's Your Business?Mary Kay Cosmetics
  • Apostle Rosemary Grant

    Birthday:October 22 What's Your Business?non profit organization
  • Tavares

    What's Your Business?Author, Echelon Entertainment (Promotions for authors and small businesses), The Pleasing Spoon (blog)
  • Venise the Beauty Consultant

    Birthday:August 21 What's Your Business?I am a Entrepreneur, wasn't making ANY money with Mary Kay.
  • Amanda Brooks-Woody

    What's Your Business?Elephant Networking Club
  • Pastor Lenora Peterson

    Birthday:March 18 What's Your Business?Have a Non-Profit Ministries for Women & Children

  • Glenda Staten

    Birthday:May 20 What's Your Business?I wrote Avoid A Collision With A Positive Vision to help teens and young adults make responsible decisions while accomplishing their goals.
  • Oreoluwa

    Birthday:May 9 What's Your Business?Grants, taxes, tutoring, legal Services & Health
  • 12 Tribes Musical Empire Inc.

    What's Your Business?We are an Entertainment and Production Firm/artist developement
  • Tonja L. Williams

    Age:57 Birthday:March 29 What's Your Business?P.U.S.H. Worship Center Ministries Worldwide, INC
  • BishopMyrthieHazel

    What's Your Business?Real Estate Investment
  • Otto Spruill

    What's Your Business?Organo Gold
  • Genikwa Williams

    What's Your Business?Jordan Media Group (ministry public relations and marketing communications); and freelance writing
  • Michelle e. Alford, CHLC, CLC

    Birthday:May 30 What's Your Business?Certified Life Coach, Online Radio Network Owner, publisher, Founder of Spokenword Billboard Awards