
Friends (36)

  • LaShanda Henry

    What's Your Business?Urban Marketing, Web Development, Graphics Design
  • Nina DuPont

    Age:55 Birthday:November 20 What's Your Business?Founder of Non Profit Organization
  • Emma Bowens

    What's Your Business?MLM's and Network Marketing
  • Pamper Party Divas

    What's Your Business?Pamper Party Divas Natural Bath & Body Products
  • Kathryn Kirby

    What's Your Business?Online Marketing
  • TheShoeLady

    Birthday:October 5 What's Your Business?I have an online shoes and clothing and
  • Staci

    What's Your Business?Online handbag store and Handbag Blog
  • Sheena Baugh

    What's Your Business?She Shoes & Accessories/Women online shoe & accessory store (new)
  • Dee

    What's Your Business?Web Design
  • Brandi Sallings

    Age:46 Birthday:August 26 What's Your Business?My business sales lingerie and adult toys, also gift baskets
  • Club Cushions LLC

    What's Your Business?Club Cushions LLC An Social Networking Organization for The Confident & Curvy Woman
  • joujouart

    What's Your Business?Design, Photography and Social Media Management
  • Karma Oviquio

    What's Your Business?We're into building relationships through gifting.

    Age:116 Birthday:January 1 What's Your Business?BLUEBOYENTERTAINMENT/HEART STOPPER PRODUCTIONS
  • Marcie Thomas

    What's Your Business?Publishing & Multimedia for African-American
  • DzynerChic

    What's Your Business?Web Development
  • AshaCavelle

    What's Your Business?A luxury brand featuring a premium collection of wigs, hair pieces, hair jewels, and accessories. We also specialize in makeup & lash extensions services.
  • Dr. Avril Wiggins

    What's Your Business?New Author, Travel Agent, Psalmist, I recently wrote a Book called The Battered Preacher's Wife it addressed Domestic Violence in the Pulpit