Ok this is the third time in three years, I think this only happens to me but I can't keep a man, In 2006 my child hood sweetheart asked me to marry him again and I said do you know what it is that i'm doing in business he said yes I said ok what he goes I UNDERSTAND YOUR LITTLE HOBBY' I was like hobby no dawg I can't marry you he says I mean I don't want a wife thats trying to win a Nobel Peace Prize WTF'..... Moving to 2008 Dennis one year 11 days everyday I gotta hear you still working? What you doing working? What you do last night work???????????????? So I decided to leave him alone i need a man thats proud of me that wants to help me succeed. Am I doomed to be alone? Am I the only one going threw this?

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  • You are not alone. We all go through. But, I have come to realize sometimes in our lonliness it is God's way of us seeking HIM. We don't have to settle. We are loved. In the flesh we long to be in relationships especially if we haven't been alone. It is truly an adjustment but I am learning to just have general conversations. To try not to get emotionally attached becuase the roller coaster ride isn't fun anymore as you get older. In due time, we will meet our soul mate. Until then, we have to wait till GOD sends the right person. Man is it a challenge, YES< YES< YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Pray and meditate, use the time to get to know yourself better. To really know what you want. To really know what you accept and don't accept. Set the standard before you meet the man , then you will not accept anything less. Then ask GOD for the insight to you know whe Mr. Right comes. I don't know what your spiritual walk is like but regardless you can still talk to GOD and tell him what you want. I have a few discussions on my page , check them out and tell me what you think. I would be interested in your comments. If you don't see them let me know. I also tried to create a social network, you may want to check that out too. If you don't see them let me know. Have a great day. Stay encouraged.
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