Looking to build a strong team of Wedding/Event vendors
Are you tired of wearing make-up that comes off while perspirating? Check out Robin Polite's store. She's a new Mary-Kay consultant. She has a selection of Non-pore clogging make-up that can withstand sweltering heat and perspiration. Check it out! :
Read more…A few days ago on my Black Parenting Blog (and sistasense too) I decided to post: 'DailyClick Mommy Picks: Dolls Like Me + 4 Black Parenting Friendly Websites.' The idea behind the post was to share a few quality black websites for moms, mommy blog
Read more…We would love to hear from the school teachers out there.
After countless conversations with entrepreneurs who have difficulty driving traffic to their business, I've come to realize most of them would say yes. When asked the question, "Does picking a target market hurt your pocket?" most folks either com
Read more…We're celebrating Labor Day Weekend Kinda Early........All Clearance Items Are Now Only $19.95!! Click Here To Purchase: http://www.befashiononline.com/befashioncloset.php?view=productListPage&category=36
Read more…Hello BBWO!!!
I just wanted to let you all know that the National Association for Female Executives will be holding their monthly dinner meeting on Tuesday September 21, 2010 from 6:30-8:30 pm For more information, please visit http://www.nafeatlanta.
Do you know the importance of landing pages, but you don't know how or don't have time to create them yourself? If you don't know the importance of landing pages and how they can bring you more leads and sales, I'm still talking to you. Don't delay.
Read more…Greetings ladies! I'm searching for successful business people in the Atlanta and Florida area who I can connect with and possibly befriend. Don't hesitate to shoot me an email. Hdspivey@hotmail.com. Thanks. :-)
Are you working the web today? I don’t know about you, but when I see the holiday season quickly approaching I dive head first into “Grind Mode.” This is the time of year when you need to roll up your sleeves, make things happen and make the most o
Read more…Whenever you have newsworthy information, are you using a press release to get the word out? When you have special promotions or are introducing a new product (or servicve) to your existing line, are you using press release to get the word out? Ladie
Read more…Hey everyone! As some of you know, I initiated two websites called www.napturalosity.webs.com and www.write4yourlifebookclub.webs.com. Thanks to Twitter, Napturalosity already has a handful of members. I'm still promoting my other website though. Bes
Read more…Here's where you'll find the latest makeup looks, the application tips
you can't live without, the ultimate beauty advice, the hottest scoop
about Mary Kay® products and much more.
Time to check out what's hot now! www.marykay.com/rpolite :-)
To enter the challenge click on the link below! GOOD LUCK!
Read more…Call for Authors!
We are now accepting submissions for our new book scheduled for release in March 2011 entitled, Cheers! To Your Success: Removing Fear from your Vocabulary so You can Walk into Your Destiny. I am looking for submissions that will
My social life offline is pretty non-existent, which is why I'm always searching for new friends. You can follow me at: www.twitter.com/bossladywriter and/or you can add me via facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Hannah-Savannah/100001414531536.
Read more…Advertise your events on From A Writer's POV. Featured and Basic Events. Check out the details here for literary events: http://fromawriterspovmagazine.com/classifieds
Read more…If you're having trouble in selecting the proper make-up..check out Robin Polite's store at: www.marykay.com/rpolite. She can offer you tips, tutorials, and FREE products (off course) lol. Take a look and don't hesitate to give her a call. :-)