Among the Keys to SEO: Keywords

For the most part, we all know that we should decide on a set of keywords for which we would like to optimize our website.  When I sat down to think about it, the first ones that came to mind were the obvious ones:  information technology, increase productivity, reduce costs, women business owners, etc.  As I listed them, I realized that these are really broad terms for which competition is fierce.

Could I really stand out and be noticed with these keywords?

I was then introduced to the phrase “Long Tail search”.  Long Tail keywords are phrases that are usually 3-5 words in length, not competitive and generate only a few clicks a month.  They are HIGHLY targeted.  In my case, a good Long Tail keyword may be “technology management for women business owners in Atlanta”.

Well, why would anyone want to optimize their website for keywords that generate only a few clicks per month?

The more specific the search phrase, the further along that person is in the buying process.  It makes sense, doesn’t it?

Think about your own search habits.  When you first start out looking for something, your search terms may be very broad.  You’re just getting a feel for what’s out there.  As you research and investigate and move closer to making a decision, your search terms/phrases narrow.  You want to be on that first page when your potential customer is ready to buy.  So, Long Tail keywords may generate fewer leads, but they will be of much higher quality than those generated by broad keyword

We don’t just want to forget about the broad terms.  They are important as well as they will get your website in front of more people.  As you think about your SEO strategy and develop your plan,
consider optimizing for the Long Tail keywords, first.  It’s pretty difficult to develop content for these phrases without talking about the broader terms that relate to them.  However, if you concentrate on the broad terms first, it may not be as easy to ensure those Long Tail keywords get in there.

Lavada Thompson

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