APRIL- National Poetry Month April is : NATIONAL POETRY MONTH Some ideas on how you might celebrate National Poetry Month * Try writing an original poem * Read poetry to your children * Recite some poetry at an open-mic/ spoken-word venue * Read a biography of a famous poet..see what made them tick *Send a poem to a friend or loved one *Support/Promote the work of a local poet *Buy a wonderful book of poetry (preferably Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia- A Life in Poems by Patricia Neely-Dorsey) (smile) HAPPY POETRY MONTH !!! POETRY My daddy helped me to love poetry, He liked that kind of thing; On Sunday mornings we'd recite, "When Malindy Sings." I loved the rhythm and the rhyme, Each stanza and each verse; We'd just say it how we felt, With no need to rehearse. I like to write my own poems now, And let my own words flow; I find that there are things inside, I want other folks to know. It's such a wonderful feeling, To see my own words in print; Sometimes, I think the words I write, Are truly heaven sent. Wherever it all comes from, It's something I love to do; It's my hope ,in some small way, It's most enjoyable to you. Copyright 2008 Patricia Neely-Dorsey poem from Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life in Poems www.patricianeelydorsey.webs.com My book Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia offers a positive glimpse into the southern way of life. You can follow my Celebrate the South blog/book tour at www.tywebbin.com/blog-tours/2009/01/celebrate-the-south

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