Introduction - Hi Everyone

Hi, My name is Sibylla. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm happy to have found this site and look forward to networking with you all and sharing information. I have a blog, Starbabyla, it's for parents looking to get their kids in the business. I have written a book about it as well, "Baby Modeling & Beyond: From the Stroller to the Red Carpet." My daughter started when she was four months old and is now seven years old. I also have a blog called Divalusicous, a fun lifestyle blog. I'd like to feature products and places (in the L.A. area preferably) that are hot but budget friendly, feel free to email me with your info. My motto is "live like a diva without spending like one..." Finally, I've created t-shirts for our girls in celebration of our natural hair. I wanted to do something so my little girl could feel proud to rock her afro-puffs or twists. Thanks for taking the time to read this, look forward to chatting with you online! Take care, Sibylla

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