Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA
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What's Your Business?
I'm an author, freelance writer and I've also created a line of t-shirts for our girls to help them celebrate their hair. It's all about the Power to the Puffs!
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About Me:
I'm a mom, my little girl has been in commercials and print ads since she was a little, itty bitty baby. I've written a book about our experience called "Baby Modeling & Beyond: From the Stroller to the Red Carpet." You may have seen her recently in the Orville Redenbacher tea party commercial. I've been writing since forever, and have written too many too count freelance articles for magazines, newspapers and websites. I'd love to network with you!
What are your most common online activities?
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this website teaches you how to build you list first before selling a
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Join the Watts Publishing Group and market your writing skills, business expertise, links to your online articles, and business savvy solutions | http://wattspublishing.ning.com
How are you my name is Chantelle I must congratulate you on your accomplishments very inspiring. I own a telecommunications company and it enables people to save on there phone bills residentailly or commercially. for 25 dollars a month unlimited calling to 75 different countries and that works well if you have business partners all over the world to be able to SEE them as well as speak to them is wonderous. www.5linx.net/chantelle is my website for more information contact me. I hope all is well with you and yours . Have a Blessed day
Congrats on being a featured member of this amazing community! I would like to personally invite you to join my very active and growing professional women’s community, ‘National Association Women on the Rise.’ Let me know if you have any questions. Here’s the link: http://www.nawomenrise.com.
Sylvia Browder
Thank you so much for such a warm welcome!
I'm so happy to have this network and look forward to interacting with you all!
Happy holidays!
Welcome to BBWO we are so excited that you decided to join the network. May Gods Peace, Love and Blessing be upon you And may you be blessed with tremendous favor and increase in the coming year.
Be Blessed - Sis Hellen (Sista's Empowered by Gods Word 2009) at http://www.sistasempoweredbygodsword2009.ning.com
How are you?
Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship...
Stay In touch,
invitation you to join me Shop YTB.

Thank You, Bobhttp://rushingtravelbiz.com
I had the chance to check out your blog Starbabyla. Wow, I can't believe the backlog for a work permit for your daughter. Hopefully, it will not take too much longer.
I'll check out your other blog sometime this week (Playing work catch-up)...
Just awesome! I will autograph the poster to a child of your choice. We must all become a part of the solution.
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Thank you so much for your help!
Stay Blessed
Email: rjmiro@aol.com