"Are you serious? It took me forever to figure out that slide show thing-a-ma-jig."
Simply because your website is pretty and looks great to you, it does not mean it will bring you more leads and sales. Am I saying that your website has to be ugly to achieve its goals? Absolutely not. However, there are several things to consider when designing an effective website that will convert your browsers into buyers. Read more...
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Thanks for the blog. Valuable content is key to blogging success. I recently heard someone recommend visiting your own website or blog as if you were a visitor (and not the site owner). Doing so may help to lower your defenses and allow you to experience what visitors do when they visit your site for the first time. Having repeat visitors can be a sign of a good website as well. Check your website stats to what percentage of people bookmark your site or come in directly thru the URL (a sign they may have remembered or bookmarked your website).
Pretty websites don't bring sales your marketing does, BUT ugly websites drive me away so fast! lol
Very informative, now I am going to re-evaluate my site!
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