Have you heard about all the new changes to college financial aid? Wondering how it effects you, your children or grandchildren? Check out my website www.blackfamilylearning.com for the latest news and information on scholarships, careers and continu
Happy Thursday…..It is a great day to truly evaluate the relationships in your life & business. Have you discovered your passion and purpose in life? Are you living the life of your dreams? Are you still trying too many things that are not working? A
I have a ning network and I like the way ads run on this page. How do I solicit advertisers on my network and how do I run other ads? I have a lot of authors on my radio show and I'd like to get them to advertise their stuff on my site.
Hey guys,
As you know, I am always writing about how to be successful at social networking and make friends on myspace. Of course, in order to be successful at social networking you have to continue to build your friends circle with positive people
I recently had the pleasure of being introduced to an interesting organization called the 'Broke Wives Club'. They are committed to helping other women who have been broken is some way ... not just financially, but perhaps emo
Today I wanted to do a quick celebration - motivation post. It's official ... I was recently quoted in the article Digital Discretion by Nicole Marie Richardson, which was published in the April 2010 issue of Essence Magazine! When I first saw the
On the Air with Carol Sankar of RRC Property & Investment Group. Listen to a recent interview with Carol Sankar on Community TV Radio. Todays topic: The State of Real Estate in Today's Economy. http://www.RRCPROPERTIES.com
So often people who strive to be successful do not operate to the fullest extent of their personal significance, which can get in the way of successful outcomes. Are you experiencing your personal significance to the fullest extent, or is there room
Our Book Club is a movement focused on supporting African American Literature. Learn about Current Novels, best-sellers, and honorably mentioned books written by black authors. Meet other readers like yourself and get the full experience of each nove
This weeks late night chat went so well, I decided to do a chat today from now 2:30 est until you guys are all chatted out! Join us ... share your business and ask questions. url: http://bit.ly/axTtUR
The Starter Kit promo is over, but if you are read
Revamping the website design was just the first step. I am in the process of creating the BBWO 2010 Agenda... I want our network to make an impact on more women entrepreneurs of color ... I want you to feel like this space is truly a place
I recently filed a DBA in my county (even though I have started doing the business yet) for a typing service business I want to try and start. Aside from filing the DBA, I don't really know what my next step should be as far as getting my name and bu
Ruth Bookeris raised in a loving Christian environment. At the age of 13, Ruth understands the importance of living a Christian Life, and began spreading the encouragement through her creative artwork. With the same entrepreneurial spirit as her
I am searching for places to sell jewelry in the New York City area. Customer options for account services include a one-time-basis account or accounts with installment options. I will come to your home, office, a restaurant of your choice, etc. I
In response to my other post this week, I was asked to go into more detail about authorship being a business. To make it clearer, I’ve broken it down two ways: Traditional Publishing and Self-Publishing. Most authors now-a-days are self-publishing,
I am looking for individuals who are interested in join me and creating a team for the New York City AIDS Walk. The Walk is on Sunday, May 16th. I will be updating this thread with more information as I am in the beginning stages of creating this tea
The gap between the personal wealth of white and black Americans has grown wider. That's the takeaway from a report, recently released by the Insight Center for Community Economic Development. According to the report, single, middle age white women
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I dream about traveling..I dream about being a successful writer..I dream about having my own apartment...I dream about having my own car again...ALL I EVER DO IS DREAM! everything I fantasize about is only a figment of my imagination because I don't
First Rule of Business: Always stay on the cutting edge of technology. Black Business Women has a new look. What do you think? As part of the New BBWO Image you will find more Black Business News, Resources, and Ad space on the network.