I am on a mission to get back to my roots of giving and share some of my best small business, internet marketing, blogging, and social media marketing tips with you. For the next 90 days I will be video blogging everyday, so I hope you
Thanks to everyone sending me motivation advise. Quitting is never an option, the message of my foundation is too crucial. As a survivor of sexual assault, I know first hand how hard it is to get back in the swing of life therefore, it is my complete
On BBWO we have a very popular post entitled 'Black Business Women Today - What are you doing?' ... where sistas are sharing their daily activities. While reading the comments I came across one that stood out.
I am organizing an upcoming vendor show for my church and looking to give away 25 goodie bags. I am looking for fillers such as catalogs, samples, business cards, whatever promotional you have. I need your fillers by April 12th.
If you would you like to discover How To build your business online without spending a dime and how to use FREE marketing techniques to quickly maximize your business exposure,
Thanks for the compliments. I am on Facebook and Twiiter and I definitely stay motivated. I spend a lot of time on the net researching and netwoking. I have to keep up with statistics to keep my site current but I have no complaints. I am trying to
After all getting traffic is the backbone of how to make money online. if you're not getting much then you are not making any money. I have many, many ways that I generate TARGETED TRAFFIC on a daily basis.
From time to time I spotlight the books of Black Authors featured on Black Writers Connect. Today's spotlight book is 'Woman Act Now' by Anna Mccoy.
Dream Big! Believe you can do it! Execute on your ideas and succeed! Woman Act Now teaches you how t
Verizon Wireless isn’t just a company. We’re a group of real people with families just like you. Knowing that the Palm Pre Plus can be a busy parent’s best friend, we thought it would be a great fit to get this hip smartphone in the hands of some of
Thanks for all the advice on the ecommerce part of my new and improved website. I transferred my domain name and server to ning and put all my websites/blog all in one place. I also have an Etsy ecommerce store now which has been added to my website
Wedding planning can either be a joy or an absolute nightmare and it really depends on what type of person you are, how much support you will get from family and friends, your budge
I am trying to bring more awareness to the healing process for victims of rape and sexual violent crime. I need help bringing people to my site. I have information and statistics and am also looking promote some positive products in my stoe. Please d