

Central Valley, California


March 10


Why do you want to join Black Business Women Online?

Network, Friends, Info

What's Your Business?

Designer of Chic-Unique High Fashion

How did you find BBWO?


About Me:

Creative and filled with purpose. Love to create beautiful garments in color for a colorful world. Wife, Mother, and a Black Woman Living on Purpose.



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What are your most common online activities?


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  • Hello Superwoman,
    I would like to invite you to check out my blog...Which is an empowering blog dedicated to Today's Woman...highlighting articles related to woman.
    I use Celebrity and real life examples to discuss different topics related to relationships, fashion, hair and music. You will thoroughly enjoy!
    Check it out at http://superwomanspeaks2010.blogspot.com/ join up to follow my blog as certain contests will be available soon related to the articles. You can also follow me on twitter @superwomanspeak I also am currently looking for wonderful success stories for an interview section of my blog! If you have a great story to tell message me! I will be highlighting different people or business owners from all over the World! triciawhiteinc@hotmail.com
    Hope to talk with you soon!

  • First of all, thank you for the beginning of a wonderful new friendship and business endeavor.

    I also have a upcoming new complimentary website, www.just4mygirls.com currently under construction. We offer fine lingerie for women sizes 14 to 6X! I anticipate launching site this December.

    God is so good to us. I look forward to each of us being supportive as we help each other grow.

    Warmest regards,

    Where Sexy Meets Fabulous!
  • I wanted to send you a quick note. I am hoping this email finds you well...

    I wanted to reach out to you to explore a partnership with you.

    We are looking for Black Women Business owners to showcase their products and services in conjunction with our upcoming event in Las Vegas, Nevada in July 2009.

    There are various ways to sponsor/partner:

    Sponsoring particpants/delegates in the competition
    Be a showcasing vendor onsite in Las Vegas
    Present a workshop to our delegates and guests
    Advertising in our magazine/souvenier book
    Offer products or services to our pageant system
    Donate pirzes & gifts to either our winners or to all the participating contestants

    Businesses will have the opportunity to be listed on our website, receive local promotion via our mailing and emailing lists based on your busines location, as well as, tickets to the main event in Las Vegas Nevada! There will be discounted hotel rates for our guests, as well as, other fun things to do in Vegas.

    So please join us as we celebrate the beauty, talent, and grace of Black women - and showcase your business to thousands of new potential customers.

    Email me right away so that I can send you the information.

    ...or, if you want to participate in the event as a contestant...just visit the site for more information!

    Lauren Kellye Ransom
    CEO/Executive Director
    International Elite Black Pageants
    1 (888) 829 - 4449 Voice/Fax
  • hi abia, i would love to have your ad on my site(underconstruction) a full page all color business web directory. remember success begins with a visual! selfworthbusinesspages.com
  • Hi Abia,
    I took a look at your site, and I love it- I will be back.
    I am a blogger, "B. Beautiful, mind, body, spirit." www.traceybrooks.blogspot.com and
    I am the founding member of "Still Dating My Spouse," www.stilldatingmyspouse.ning.com and
    I have a Online Fashion and Beauty Directory that is under construction. When you get the time, please take a look and
    if you like what you see, tell your friends.
    Maybe we could network in the near future.
    Have a GREAT Day :-)
  • I love how colorful and bold your web site is.

    I am the newly appointed Area Coordinator for the State of Michigan for the National Black Yellow Pages (NBYP); my name is Andrea Fields. I've prepared a brief slide show presentation to introduce you to our directory. While you are viewing the presentation and considering whether or not to advertise with us please keep the following facts in mind:
    - To benefit from "black buying power" you have to be visible.
    - The NBYP was created in 1984 to be the optimal source through which to find quality Black/ African American business owners and business professionals.
    - Those businesses that use the Internet grew 46% faster than those that didn't according to the US Department of Commerce.
    - 87% of online users depend on the Internet to access local information (don't you?) according to Digitrends
    - 52.7% of online business directory users visit a business because of what they saw online also according to Digitrends.
    - A listing in the National Black Yellow Pages will promote you locally and expose you globally.
    - You can advertise with us at prices starting at less than $1.10 per day.

    For more information or to sign up contact via e-mail at nationalblackyellowpages@yahoo.com , or go to www.nationalblackyellowpages.com/068_area.htm peruse the site. Please be sure to use Representative Number 068 when you register to advertise with us.

    With best regards,

    Andrea Fields # 068
    Area Coordinator, National Black Yellow Pages
  • Hello just wanted to let you know I was here also visit me @ www.travelfocents.com let me put that well deserved vacation together for you!!!
  • Hello Abia;

    Happy New Year !!

    I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. Fabulous designs, much success to you in all that you do.. I look forward to networking with you.

  • Your clothes look AWESOME I am in love with them!!!!
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