


Why do you want to join Black Business Women Online?

Hey, I'm not black but I like Malika and she invited me. Do redheads count?

What's Your Business?

Online on demand publishing of your stories, heritage, photos, artwork!

About Me:

I love to write! Now that I've discovered online publishing and offered up my first book to my mother, I am motivated to help you share your published stories with family and friends. I have an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults... I am happy to help get you where you want to go.



Favorite Website


What are your most common online activities?

social networking, writing, editing my stories, working on my haiku challenge, researching interesting subjects

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  • Greetings!

    This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.


    If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.

  • Perhaps the single academic study most germane to the present election is the 1999 psychology paper by David Dunning and Justin Kruger, "Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments." The two Cornell psychologists began with the following assumptions.

    * Incompetent individuals tend to overestimate their own level of skill.
    * Incompetent individuals fail to recognize genuine skill in others.
    * Incompetent individuals fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy.
  • Hi Barbara:

    Thanks for the compliment on my video. I used Windows Movie Maker and Audacity for the audio. Windows Movie Maker is a free software provided by Microsoft.


  • I'm sorry but I am totally into politics this round. We can't let Dementia and Shewhomustnotbenamed diminish the middle class and wipe out the lower class for four more years. Please bear with me as I work to help elect Obama.
  • I truly believe this is a time to stand up for women and for what I believe. This is what I have recently researched about Sarah Palin...

  • Hi there, I just wanted to introduce myself and my new business. I am trying to network with as many people as possible to see if there are ways that we can support each other. I offer unique and affordable works of African art that make impactful gifts for all occasions. If you have a special occasion coming up, or if you just want to connect with Africa yourself, please bookmark our site.

    Do you know anyone who has a birthday or special event coming up, Barbara?

    Thank you for your consideration.

  • Hi Barbara,
    My name is Sherri Jones and I have an online magazine and community called Alluring Looks: Beauty Expertise for Women of Color - www.alluringlooks.com. I'd love for you to check it out and pass the word on about us to others in your network. Also, any feedback you may have is welcomed.

  • Hi Barbara,

    Thanks for the add,

  • This orange cat, Joey, was attacked on our porch by something fierce on Monday night. I awoke to hear his angry, yet pained shrieks. I spotted him yesterday, moving slowly along our sidewalk. No blood, but just this ambiance of resignation. I didn't run to gather him in my arms. I know him too well. He paused by the mailbox and stared at me and the house as if saying goodbye. I haven't seen him today.

    Even with red fox and owls around, I didn't have the heart to keep his big, hunter spirit cooped up inside the house. Independence was too important to his character. Still, I keep gazing out the window, hoping to see that big mass of orange fur coming toward me, tail swooshing back and forth in the breeze, like a hand, waving his welcome home.
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