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Talitha Cumi Inspires
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Email invitation from a friend:Pam Perry
About Me:
Inspiring Me:
Inspirationalist/ Motivationalist**/ Encourager**/ Edifier**/ Writer/ Author/ Marketing Exec/Entreprenuer/Student/Teacher/ Counselor/ Poet** Singer/Artist*** Mother/Woman*** / Abundant Life Giver/ Lover of GOD,Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit & Lover of the Infalliable, powerful, unadultered, life changing, mind renewing, hope restoring, redeeming, providing, soul prospering and healing Word of the Most High God, through Jesus Christ!!
Today... if you feel uninspired... You are in the right place for inspiration, my friend!!
While you are here.. you may as well, relax, let go of the stress, worries, burdens and problems that weighed you down. Drop every on of them on the floor or better yet, cast those cares upon the Lord. To cast means for you to throw forcefully. So, today, make a decision to throw every situation, problem, stress, worry, burden to the Lord. Let Him care about and for all those things. He desires to. HE wants to. HE has been patiently waiting to.. take care of every problem for you. So, beloved, why not let him. Cast them away today and let your day begin to be inspired. LEt your soul be inspired. Let your mind be set free and renewed. Allow yourself to arise to higher heights today! Read an inspiring word, listen to an inspiring song, view an inspiring picture. Close your eyes and begin to let your troubles be inspired away!
Today.. let a few words of inspiration, a song of hope, a relaxing photo... raise you to higher level of thinking, believing and being. Be inspired today to believe the impossible is possible and grasp the unattainable! You are meant to have an inspired life so that you may inspire the lives of others! Talitha Cumi Inspires Welcomes you to be inspired!!
The Inspiration Behind Talitha Cumi Inspires:
Talitha Cumi Inspires was actually birthed by God in 2001 as just Talitha Cumi, during my journey of healing and wholeness from past abuse, violence, anorexia, bullimia, addictions, suicide thoughts/attempts, hurt & pain; as well as all of the effects of these events.
The past pain has been used by God as a catalyst of compassion and driving force within me, by His abundant grace to touch and minister to the lives of others this amazing grace that saved my soul, healed my hurts, took my shame, removed all stains, mended my brokeness, fixed my heart, restored my years, wiped all my tears and placed my feet on solid rock of salvation, redemption, hope, healing and inspiration. God truly has touched, transformed, and inspired my life in ways that I could not place into just vague words.
Talitha Cumi, an expressed term from the text in Mark 5:41-42, is the greatest way that I can put into words what God has done for me and for my life.
Mark 5:41-42
And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, >“Talitha Cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel(Daughter, Young Girl, Child),I say unto you(I command, I will, I declare, I complete) you to)arise(get up, rise up, come up, move, progress, be whole, be well, ascend from that present position, state, place [of being: doing, seeing, believing, thinking]arise, into your true purpose and destiny).”
42 And straightway the damsel(the daughter) arose(was raised up, rose up, got up, ascended, went higher, progressed), and walked (moved forward, progressed further, prospered, went ahead, succeeded); for she was of the age of twelve years (mature, developed, taught enough to walk: go forward, progress, arise). And they(those who were around to witness this) were astonished with a great astonishment(amazement, wonder, awe, joyfulness, rejoicing, hopefulness, sense of inspiration).
The transformation that God's grace through Jesus Christ, my Lord has been so astonishing! I compare it to being raised from the dead. I was once dead, in sin and had many dead places in my life. Pain, abuse, violence, disorders, addictions, depression, rejection and so much more, were all dead places. All places of dryness, drought, lack, despair, victimization and lifelessness. I had died many times within my soul, from all of the pain of the past, yet Jesus raised me up with His expressed transforming and inspiring word, "Talitha Cumi". With His word, God has changed my life. He has healed my soul. He has wiped my tears. He has calmed my fears. He has renewed me again. He has restored all those years lost to the pain and effects of abuse, rape, victimization, strife and violence.
Through the grace of His word, through Jesus Christ , my Lord and Savior, I have been made a daughter of Christ so very inspired, edified, encouraged, renewed, uplifted, restored and healed by His love.
It is because of this life changing and astonishing grace, found in the amazing word of God that Talitha Cumi was changed to Talitha Cumi Inspirations and Motivations which matured and gained most of its momentum in 2006, by encouraging and minstering by via email to a few close friends and family. Who knew then that those few encouraging words sent out by email would begin to grow tremendously. I was led by the Lord, God to start placing words of inspiration and encouragement that I would journal during my own personal time of study, prayer and reflections with the Lord, as testamonials on www.streamingfaith.com . Once this occured, the inspiring email ministry had begin steadily growing from 25 local freinds and family to over 200 all over the U.S. and in 2 regions in Africa within a timespan of a year.
In 2008, Talitha Cumi Inpirations and Motivations was changed to Talitha Cumi Inspires, licensed and reaching out to touch t he lives of others all over the world by way of the inspiring email ministry, streamingfaith.com testamonials, facebook, and my space pages, hope for women, social media marketing mastermind, open social stuff and christian happy hour web network pages; as well as the Talitha Cumi Inspires the World Social Network:
View my page on Talitha Cumi Inspires
The inspiring email ministry alone has grown from 25 in 2001 to over 500 inspiring word recipients locally in TN, all over the U.S. and recipients in various areas of Africa, Bahamas, Carribeans, London & the UK. What an amazing God we serve! I never thought for even one moment in the past, that God would bless me, once broken, hurt, damaged, rejected, abused; in such a great and mighty way, enabling me to be able to minsiter to others, this great and amazing grace that HE has bestowed upon me.
What He has done for me, certainly He can do for anyone. How He has inspired me, He now inspire others through me. I am no longer that broken vessel, damged, and discarded to the side. Now, I am that blessed and yielded vessel, restored, healed, renewed and ready to be used by Him in His hands as His blessed vessel of His inspirational love and healing on so many others who may be hurting in the world, one inspired message at a time!
What Talitha Cumi Inspires is for you:
Taltiha Cumi Inspires is an instrument, tool, catalyst and ministry of the Lord, created, developed and implemented by God to inspire the lives of others all over the world, especially to those of you who may be hurting. IT does not matter where it has come from; hurt still is hurt and pain still feels like pain. Every person on earth has experienced pain, shame, dissapointment, hurt, despair in some form or another. Pain and suffering does not discriminate. In fact, regardless of our race, skin color, nationality, gender, or socio-economic status; when pain hits we all are seeking for relief! Relief for me came only through Almighty God, the only one true and living God, through Jesus Christ. The only God that came to my rescue, helped me, delivered me, set me free and healed me and yet is holding me in His great hands. It is He who has redeemed my soul from hell so many times! He has given hope when I felt hopeless. Joy when I was sad and strength whenever I was weak.
This same God, through Jesus Christ wants to bless, inspire, heal, help, rescue and yes.. even use you too! There is hope for you in JESUS! He truly has great things in store for you! Your best days are yet to come. Today, you begin to be the best you, God meant for you to be. You are the head and not the tail and above only in all things and never beneath. You, beloved are a born winner! In God you win in all things, no matter if good or bad. YOU still win!
You were created by God to connect with and inspire others. There are unique giftings inside of you, just waiting to be explored and implemented. You truly are more than the past or present can ever say you are and beloved, you are just steps away from your greatest breakthrough.
Who I'd like to Inspire:
Those in the world, who love the Lord Jesus Christ and who have come to know His amazing love, grace, mercy, joy, healing and comfort!! Those who desire to grow and go: Grow in the Lord and His words to which we live, move and have our being and be equipped to go out into the world to positively impact the lives of others all over the world, one inspired message, word, picture, poem, way at a time !
To inspire those who are in need of God's caring, in need of His words, in need of His comfort and in need of His strength; so that I may be used by God to share His love and healing with others as I myself have received this great gift that is offered to all, if one would just recieve it.. Eternal life .. and blessings in this life... is in Jesus Christ for you.. If you just recieve him.. by acknowledging HIs existence, His love, His act of love in His death on the cross, and his resurrection from the dead; to remit and take away your sins, my sins, and the sins of the world.
Believe this in your heart and as an act of faith, confess it with you mouth.. "Lord, Jesus Christ, I believe that you died for my sins. I believe you were resurrected from the dead and now sit at the right hand of God the Father.. and that you have now saved me from my sins. I thank you for saving me and giving me eternal life and blessings of your word now!"
And you beloved of God.... have now been translated (moved, transformed, taken from)from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of life.. with grace and mercy and love!! Today is the first day of the best days of your life. Be inspired to be more than you ever imagined that you could ever be.
Inspiration in General:
Seeing others come to Christ. The Kingdom of God being built!! Being a Part of God's great Plan and Purpose for all to come to know just who He is, who Jesus is, who the HOly Spirit is And What He does for us daily through his love and know who we are To God who loves us all, and will never ever leave us nor will He forsake us, reject us, or forget us. To see all come to know that they are the beloved of God and He desires for us all to rest secure in Him, which means we relax, have peace, calm, composure, stability, safety, security, hope, blessings, prosperity, accomplishments, skills and abilities in Him; securely and completely!
There is hope for all women from every facet of life to become all that God has purposed for you to become, now and always. "Who[one worthy,intelligent,gifted,purposed enough that] can[is able to]find[discern,see,recieve, posess,have,encounter]a virtuous[pure, powerful]woman, her price[value, worth, esteem] is far[more]above rubies."
Talitha Cumi Inspires Welcomes You, BelovedOf God!~Arise to be More than you thought imaginable! Agape'
You should be right now, living life as God's beloved one. Multifaceted Diamond of the Most High, thru Jesus Christ my Lord!
Talitha Cumi is Blessed to be a Blessing. Inspired by God to Inspire others. Risen from every dead places in life to cause others to also Aspire to Arise, to be be more than you have ever imagined that you could ever possibly be! ~
Talitha Cumi spoken to me. Taltha Cumi, I now speak in return to you. Agape'
This will I recall to my mind; Therefore I have hope: It is of the Lord's mercy, that I am not consumed, destroyed, dismayed, distressed, anxiouos, discouraged. His mercies are new every morning. His compassion fails not. Great is thy faithfulness Oh Lord.~ Lamentations ..... So hope thou in the Lord as His beloved, now and always. ~Agape
Inspiring Music:
Inspiring Books:
The Bible, Be Anxious for Nothing- Joyce Myer,BEauty for Ashes- Joyce Meyer, Forgiven & Set Free, Wounded Heart- Dan Allendar, Uncovering Spiritual Witchcraft, THe Gifts of the Holy Spirit- Lester Sumerall, Help- I am raising my kids alone- TD Jakes, Believer's Authority (Awesome book)- Kenneth Hagin.
Cover Girls- TD Jakes
Woman thou Art Loosed- TD Jakes
No More Sheets- Juanita Bynum
Conversations.. (coming soon by Dyanner Brown)
My Soul.. (Coming soon by Dyanner Brown)
Things I never.. (Coming soon by Dyanner Brown)
alt="Anointed Messages">Inspiring Web Sites:
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This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.
If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.
Welcome to the Women In Ministry Preneurs! I'm excited for you and all that God have in store for you. I look forward to you joining the discussion and leaving your comments. Blessings ~
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This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.
If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.

Sweets for the sweet beloved of God!!You are very welcome!! God bless you all my friends... and sisterpreneurs!! Agape' Always!
you are blessed to be a blessing.. ensuring that you are always blessed..
"Seed time and harvest.." Hugs!
Welcome to the Women In Ministry Preneurs! I'm excited for you and all that God have in store for you. I look forward to you joining the discussion and leaving your comments. Blessings ~
Thanks for the add and thanks for joining your fashion fixx
Continue to let him inspire you always.. Be Bless*
Thank you for being the inspiration I needed tonight. I truly love this page. Keep blessing my sister.
Inspirational Expressions