

February 23


What's Your Business?

Aphesis Publishing, LLC

About Me:

"Author, Inspirational Speaker, & Entrepreneur" Jennifer Mitchell Earley is the author of I Will Survive in Jesus’ Name! A Christian woman who is a survivor of domestic violence, Jennifer has been asked to share her testimony with many churches and organizations and has been featured on TBN’s Praise the Lord Program in addition to a variety of local news, cable, and radio programs. Jennifer holds a B.S. in Communication from Ohio University as well as a Masters in Education (Adult Learning & Development) and a MPA from Cleveland State University. She is currently pursuing her Master of Arts in Practical Theology at Ashland Theological Seminary. She has earned many honors including being the youngest elected public official in the city of Warrensville Heights, Ohio. She was the second African-American inducted into the Lambda Pi Eta National Communication Honor Society at Ohio University. In addition, Jennifer is the President and CEO of Aphesis Publishing, LLC, and the host of Speak Life! on www.blogtalkradio.com.



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  • Can we feature you and your book in our magazine? Genesis Magazine is composing a feature article, "Between the Lines” that features new authors. This will include a picture of the author, picture of the book cover, brief article about the author and theme of the book and website etc. Please let me know if you want to be featured email me at editor@genesis1magazine.com)! View our current issue here:
  • Greetings!

    This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.


    If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.

  • Blessings Back To You, Jennifer you are a Inspirational Woman May God Bless You!!! Keep In Touch and God Willing I Will Do The Same.
  • Hi Jennifer, I will like to compliment you on your profile page, you have the gift to minister to people hearts, let God continue to be your rock, he will help you
    be a inspiration to many. God Bless!
  • Hey sis,
    It is a blessing to meet you and make this Kingdom Connection. Welcome to the God's Marketplace group.

    In addition to the group here, I invite you to join us on the ministry site as well. I also wanted you to know we host a blogtalk radio show live on Saturday mornings at 10:30 est. - "Kingdom Empowerment" To listen or get the call in number, log into www.blogtalkradio.com/Minister-Coylette

    View my page on God's Marketplace Ministries
    Be Blessed!
    Minister Coylette James
  • Hello! Just stopping by.

    Natalie Rivers
    www.cookielee.biz/natalierivers Delete Comment
  • Hi

    I have a few questions for you, but I'm not sure you have logged on in a while. Let me know the next time you log on.

  • phenomenal_women_radio.jpg
  • Greetings,
    I am the newly appointed Area Coordinator for the State of Michigan for the National Black Yellow Pages (NBYP); my name is Andrea Fields. I've prepared a brief slide show presentation to introduce you to our directory. While you are viewing the presentation and considering whether or not to advertise with us please keep the following facts in mind:
    - To benefit from "black buying power" you have to be visible.
    - The NBYP was created in 1984 to be the optimal source through which to find quality Black/ African American business owners and business professionals.
    - Those businesses that use the Internet grew 46% faster than those that didn't according to the US Department of Commerce.
    - 87% of online users depend on the Internet to access local information (don't you?) according to Digitrends
    - 52.7% of online business directory users visit a business because of what they saw online also according to Digitrends.
    - A listing in the National Black Yellow Pages will promote you locally and expose you globally.
    - You can advertise with us at prices starting at less than $1.10 per day.

    For more information or to sign up contact via e-mail at nationalblackyellowpages@yahoo.com , or go to www.nationalblackyellowpages.com/068_area.htm peruse the site. Please be sure to use Representative Number 068 when you register to advertise with us.

    With best regards,

    Andrea Fields # 068
    Area Coordinator, National Black Yellow Pages

    P.S. If you or someone you know is a sales professional looking for work. We're hiring. = )
  • Click Here www.TravelForCents.com

    What’s MISSING from this picture? YOU!
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