Atlanta, Ga
Atlanta, Ga
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To be among like minded women taking the same journey as I.
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researching for my business, reading blogs
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Please take a moment to view my vlog helping couples recognize our deep rooted issues which affect our relationships yet if willing to evaluate self, true healing can begin. Come with me as I share much of myself by exposing my hurts, pains and fears and speak on the pain I inflicted. Part 1 of " My Dirty Truths " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YzVgDbJU30
Life/Relationship Coach
Shannon & Shirley Austin
Contact info: info@spaministrygroup.com
You Tube Channel: spaministrygroup
Facebook: Spa Ministry's Marriage and Family Group
Join the Watts Publishing Group and market your writing skills, business expertise, links to your online articles, and business savvy solutions | http://wattspublishing.ning.com
Congrats on being a featured member of this amazing community! I like your tees. I would like to personally invite you to join my very active and growing professional women’s community, ‘National Association Women on the Rise.’ This would be a great community to share your business. Let me know if you have any questions. Here’s the link: http://www.nawomenrise.com.
Sylvia Browder
I am a Business Attorney and have a business consulting firm – Compu-Perfect Professional Services. Compu-Perfect has been providing the following services for 15 years:
• Business formation (Corporations, Limited Liability Companies (LLC's) and Nonprofit Organizations)
• Contract Drafting and Reviewing
• Trademark Search and Registration
• Completion of the 501(c)(3) application for nonprofit organizations
• Grant Research and Writing
(Please view the flyer below and visit my Blog at http://www.kbooker.wordpress.com).

NOTE: Anyone that you refer to us and they engage our services, we will pay you a $50 REFERRAL FEE.I would like to talk with you regarding establishing a Referral Network. Please CALL ME at (301) 408-1082. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to helping you and those you refer, "Move on the Road to Greater Business Success".
Attorney Karmen A. Booker
(301) 408-1082
Thanks for the invitation.
Thank you for the friend request.
Thanks for the Add...I will definitely keep in touch !