Upper Marlboro, Md
Upper Marlboro, Md
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I market home based business opportunities to help others generate multiple streams of income.
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I'm an internet Marketer
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About Me:
Hello, My name is Diana. I am 50 years old. I have been a nurse for for the past 32 years. I love what I do. It is very rewarding to me that I have made a difference in so many people's lives. I am also a mother and a grandmother and my family is very important to me. I am the eldest of 5 children born to my parents who had been together for over 48 years until my Dad's death 2 years ago. Being the eldest kid has worked in my favor. It has developed me into a go getter, a trailblazer, if you will. I have had to work hard for everything I have accomplished on my own, not that my parents didn't want to assist me, because they did,and of course I have always had their love and support, but they could not help me financially because we weren't well off and they had 4 other kids to raise. I am not afraid to work hard and get my hands dirty to obtain what I want from life. Since I reached the age of 3o something, I have been attempting to build my own wealth because I do not want to be dependent on a J-O-B very much longer. I want to financially independent, so I got involved with MLMs. I have been with various groups and I have failed more often then I care to admit, but now I think I figured it out. I have teamed up with some great companies who offer real training and assistance. And I am now beginning to reap the fruits of my labor. I enjoy meeting people and I enjoy helping people. That's one reason I became a nurse and I have had such a full- filling career in the nursing profession, but, now I am ready to help people in a different way. I want to assist as many people as I can to increase their income and live the life they desire and deserve to live. Gone forever (I hope) is the belief that all our lives consist of is working for someone else for 40 or 50 years and then retiring into obscurity. Now that I'm 50 I feel my life is just beginning. I have given to society, to my family, to my friends and to my patients and now I am giving to myself. What am I giving to myself? I giving myself time and money to live the life I want. I am still young, still vibrant and full of energy, desire and passion for life. I do not need to be rich but I don't want to worry about having enough money either. So I have signed on to this new way of doing business, this Web 2.0 as it is recently being referred to. I joined the social networking phenomenon, and I love it. For me it is the best of both worlds. I get to socialize with a all types of people from all over the world, helping them in whatever way I can, making some great contacts and making money in addition to all that. By the way, here are my sites Please feel free to peruse at your leisure. Diana's Space Simplicity Travel Best Secret Diana Broomfield Strong Future International
What are your most common online activities?
Networking and managing my blogs and websites
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More Thanks For Add Graphics at Jhocy.com
Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.
After the Tryptophan has worn off, please visit my After Thanksgiving Blowout Sale all day Friday.

Thank you in advance. Have a marvelous day!Lori-Ann
This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.
If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.
I appreciate that very much. I'm down to stay connected.
One Love!
Please see my video Ms. Melanin (A Dedication to the Black Woman) by Kamal Imani
Kamal Imani
Welcome to this wonderful site. I hope you enjoy your networking experience.
Please check out this month issue of The Adventist Times www.theadventisttimes.com/.
This issue is dealing with Breast Cancer Awareness. I also have the acceptance speeches of both OBAMA and McCAIN, as well as the Katie Couric interview with Palin.
And, I have an oldie but goodie of Michael Jackson singing “Man in the Mirror”
Also, when you get a chance stop by my films web-site “I Thought You Knew” http://urbanfilms.ning.com/.We start shooting in January.
God Bless,
just extending an invite