Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Why do you want to join Black Business Women Online?
To Network with all the wonderful business driven women.
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VIP Personal/ Financial Conceirge Services and Health,Wellness and Fashion
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Soul Pupose Link
About Me:
My name is Monique J. Flowers and I'm from the Washington DC area IM A CITY GIRL HEYYY! LOL. I love to have fun never into dull moments that soo boring(Actress,dancer,singer) . I'm a child of GOD! And you better believe all things are possible through Christ Jesus he is my Lord and Savior with him I'm something without him IM NOTHING. I'm just learning and quickly learning that STINKING THINKING and having NEGATIVE people around will stop you from fullfiling your Dreams and Purpose on this earth so I refuse to set myself up any longer but I see joining this site I wont have to worry about that we all seem to have many goals in common and I will say my beautiful sisters thats something that has no PRICE TAG really. I'm am Proud to be a woman of Color. Now on with the business I've always been an entrepreneur at heart but growing up with not many options and close-minded people I never got to explore until adulthood and oh boy lets just say I'm doing some things in 09. I've already CLAIMED it no matter what the trials and tribulations maybe I will Suceed in everything I put my name on. YOU BETTAH BELIEVE! Check out my websites befriend,twitt,BP and all that good stuff me, Signing out as always Peace Love and Happiness Be Blessed! THATS AWESOMENESSSSSS Most people work 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week to earn a full time income. They continue to do this for approximately 40 years and then retire on 40% of what wasn’t enough to live on to begin with. They retire broke and dependent on the government or their family, or they never truly retire at all and work way into their so called “golden years”. Not a very pretty picture, Huh? Well, your FDI business is your ANSWER to escaping the J.O.B.( Just Over Broke) syndrome. With your own FDI home-based business you can earn a better than average income regardless of your educational background or experience level. You can also be more prepared for retirement if you’re one of the rare people that love your JOB and want to create additional income to invest. THE REAL SECRET to building a successful business is that there is NO SECRET! All it takes is a simple plan and the dedication and commitment to WORK THE PLAN consistently! That’s it! Curiosity Call (618)355-1524 If you are interested in what FDI can offer you please call the above phone number and I would love your feedback. Thank you in advance, and hope to hear from you soon. Also I just became a Lifestyle Entrepreneur for SoulPurpose "A different kind of company". Yeaaa theres been nothing but wonderful love from all my SP sistahs I'm looking forward to working with you all ladies in some way. My sponsor Delayan Keller Rocks and we are about to put it down in 2009. I have an inspiration clothing line that I will be launching around the summer time. Its use to be a secular line until God spoke to me and said I need you to give back to my Kingdom so I had to switch it up so look out AOTA coming to you real soon.
What are your most common online activities?
Checking e-mails every other 15 min.
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this website teaches you how to build you list first before selling a
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We welcome all our sisters , sororities , women organizations to Join us in sisterhood as we gather with other powerful women from the NY and NJ area at New York City's Madison Square Garden.
Networking event 2pm
Liberty Game at 4pm
Cost includes all events and donation to FFAWN
Tickets are going fast online sales end 8/28/09
If your part of a group , org or sorority and wish to be seated together during the game send a email to events@thephenomenalwomen.org and we will direct you how do go about group sales.
Everyone that gets there ticket via TicketMaster's link below and use the code : SISTERHOOD
will be seated together in the same section for game after the networking event.

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I am very thankful to you for joining my Bible Study Group - now I need to ask for your presence in converting your membership over to the launching of my new website at http://www.sistasempoweredbygodsword2009.ning.com.
With your help we can make this group a major success- you will be able to promote your business free of charge and much more,
Simply follow th elink above or go tomy page and click on the join button.
Again I thank you and look forward to seeing you there.
Be Blessed - Sis. Helen
Hello Sista:
I wanted to take this opportunity to invite you to my new website entitled Sista's Empowered by Gods Word 2009 found on ning. (go to hittp://www.sistasempoweredbygodsword2009.ning.com.
Please join me along with the rest of our Bible Study Group from Who's that girl being Blessed by God; in the launching of this new site. Also take the opportunity to advertise on this site (free of charge) to help promote your business.
I look forward to seeing you there. Be Blessed - Sis. Helen
This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.
If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.
Dear Christian soul, stand guard this night
For evil lurks on every hand;
Gird yourself with God’s sov’reign might;
Awake! Yonder comes Satan’s band.
See his hosts in battle array;
“Hail, King Satan,” echoes the throng;
Onward, Christian soul, to the fray;
Fear not, for to God you belong.
Be strong in the Lord, much in prayer;
Stand firm in the pow’r of His might;
Under His wings, His constant care,
Never a moment from His sight
Stand your ground girt about with truth;
God’s righteousness your armor on
Whether old or yet in your youth
“Be gone, foul fiend, I’m not your pawn!”
Your feet shod with the Gospel of peace,
In your right hand faith’s mighty shield
Stops fiery darts that will not cease
From one who refuses to yield.
Salvation’s helmet on your head
And at your side God’s quick sharp sword;
The Word of God removes fear’s dread;
Vic’try goes to our sov’reign Lord.
Stay alert, ever on your guard,
Much in prayer for protecting grace;
Though the battle at times seems hard
All will be well, such is the case.
God will never forsake His own,
Ransomed and redeemed at great price;
His love for us is daily shown;
Such love will forever suffice.