March 6
March 6
What's Your Business?
Flipper Entertainment Services (Event Planner)
About Me:
I'm 30 years old and recently started my business. I'm single with no kids, so i'm availble to travel.
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Seasons Greetings and Happpy Holidays, know that I am praying and asking GOD to continue to bless you and show you tremendous favor in the year 2010 and beyond. Remember in all things make GOD first and all GOOD things shall follow.
Be Blessed - Sis. Helen
Creator of Sista's Empowered by GODs Word 2009
This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.
If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.
Praise the Lord Sister:
I have noticed that you have not joined my bible study group "Sista's Empowered by Gods Word". I strongly feel that once you have joined this group God will open many doors for you and bless you with many opportunities and show you tremendous favor. I stand strong on God's word and his promise that he will restore the years that we have sown in tears. I hope and pray to see you there soon. Be Blessed - Sis. Helen
Dear Christian soul, stand guard this night
For evil lurks on every hand;
Gird yourself with God’s sov’reign might;
Awake! Yonder comes Satan’s band.
See his hosts in battle array;
“Hail, King Satan,” echoes the throng;
Onward, Christian soul, to the fray;
Fear not, for to God you belong.
Be strong in the Lord, much in prayer;
Stand firm in the pow’r of His might;
Under His wings, His constant care,
Never a moment from His sight
Stand your ground girt about with truth;
God’s righteousness your armor on
Whether old or yet in your youth
“Be gone, foul fiend, I’m not your pawn!”
Your feet shod with the Gospel of peace,
In your right hand faith’s mighty shield
Stops fiery darts that will not cease
From one who refuses to yield.
Salvation’s helmet on your head
And at your side God’s quick sharp sword;
The Word of God removes fear’s dread;
Vic’try goes to our sov’reign Lord.
Stay alert, ever on your guard,
Much in prayer for protecting grace;
Though the battle at times seems hard
All will be well, such is the case.
God will never forsake His own,
Ransomed and redeemed at great price;
His love for us is daily shown;
Such love will forever suffice.
I invite you to promote your business, organization or network on my Network ( Together we can support each other’s cause. 4charity Social Networking was designed for individuals to promote their business or organization and also, to come together to plan social events for Children Charities. Please view our current event: 48 hours. This event will be April 25th – 27th. This year’s 48 Hours will consist of taking homeless kids bowling, to give back at a service event, field day and a picnic, a lock-in, a makeover, a shopping spree and a photo shoot.
SO, The Search is on. Volunteers are NEEDED! STANDUP FOR KIDS is an all volunteer program, so for us to be there for our homeless kids, we need your help! If you or someone you know is interested in getting involved e-mail me at: You can also visit the site:
Let me know if I can be of any assistance. I'm always looking forward to lend a helping hand. Also, let me know what your favorite Children’s Charity is!
Visit 4charity Social Network
I want to invite you to have some Gyrlfriend time with me. Go to so we can talk. Have a good day.
Just want to say hello and to thank you for being my friend.
I am sharing with all my friends that I have a online travel agent.
Bookmark our pager for all your travel needs.
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