

March 17


What's Your Business?

Custom Sewing

About Me:

I have been sewing for over 30 years, I sew for all ages and sizes. I enjoy sewing and making all types of crafts. I make custom made stuffed dolls, I make wedding dresses and wedding party dresses. All my photos on my page were made my me, name it I make it! I am married with 2 children that are all grown up now and I live in Long Beach, CA. I have Lupus and donate 10% of my earnings to the Lupus foundation.



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  • I'm writing to request your support for my new social group for people who are involved in any level of sewing and/ or crafting. From the hand craft admirer to the professional we can most easily perfect our craft and learn new ones through our interactions with one another. Everyone is welcome; so please pass this information on to every creative person you know..

    The group address is: www.needleartistandcrafters.ning.com

    Andrea Fields
  • Greetings!

    This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.


    If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.

  • Peace and Blessing! Just saying hello and inviting you to visit my new Ezine which has been published to celebrate the uniqueness of the African American Family. Articles will feature the journey of how we have survived and adapted to life’s challenges. The amazing way we can draw upon each others strength and compassion to overcome insurmountable odds. There is both beauty and tragedy in our journey which has taught us to be creative in every area of life. The communication style and tone of the magazine is “kitchen table wisdom”, the way we learn life through the wisdom of our family as being taught a lesson through the example and consequences of others as these stories were told to us by our elders. We need to strengthen the bonds within the family to improve the conditions in our community.
    Check out my web site http://www.africanamericanfamilyconnection.com
  • 528423edd8jsvfel.gif
    Have a great and prosperous week! Please feel free to stop by my page and consider adding me as a friend.

    ~ L. Michelle Coats
    Elite Events
    A Million Dollar Designs For Every Budget
  • Hello your garments and other items you retail are beautiful. May God continue to provide you with your gift so you may always bless others. Do you have an relatives in south Ga. or in New York? My grandmothers maiden name is Thomas.We are a part of the Hightower/Thomas Family. Be blessed
  • After reading your profile, I wanted to share some information with you about a wonderful Black buying and selling initiative. TAG TEAM Marketing is looking for hand crafted items (quality jewelry, soaps, pillows, lotions, cosmetics, candles, stationary, knit, crochet, clothing) and other products (self-published books CD's, etc.) created by Black entrepreneurs to sell on the online store Buy Black Today and at weekly selling events in Atlanta.

    This is an excellent program for Black entrepreneurs that would like to increase their sales, distribution, promotion, as well as, networking with other Black business owners and receive training from Black, self-made, multi-millionaires on how to take their business to the next level and beyond.

    The purpose is to move the products of Black businesses into the hands of Black consumers by using a national sales team of independent distributors called “marketers”. Please visit the website and check out the NEWS, EVENTS and the Buy Black Today Online Store. You will find an almost endless list of videos and testimonials about the Black Business Network membership opportunities and the products at www.tagteammarketing.com/TeamDollar.

    Invited by Darlene Robinson
    Independent Marketer
    Email: mauddarlene.robinson@yahoo.com
  • Not just for Black People. Cash in on the Multi-Billion Dollar African American
    market for pennies on the dollar what other people charge.
    Show your support and build your business.

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    What’s MISSING from this picture? YOU!
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