February 22
February 22
Why do you want to join Black Business Women Online?
i got bulletins all the time on Myspace. so I figure I check it out.
What's Your Business?
New Hope Management Talent Firm! Music Business Maven!
How did you find BBWO?
About Me:
My goal is to be successful.
What are your most common online activities?
facebooking, twitter, and myspace checking out events and opportunities
BBWO Members recieve our weekly newsletter with featured business news, discounts, and tips! Would you like to signup for the BBWO Money and Marketing Newsletter?
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this website teaches you how to build you list first before selling a
product online so you will always have a market to sell too. this is an
auto responder that I'm learning to rely on heavily to help monitor your
list of clients here's how facebook works, how to build business credit
Networking event 2pm
Liberty Game at 4pm
Cost includes all events and donation to FFAWN
Tickets are going fast online sales end 8/28/09
I love your web site. Please accept my invitation to connect with 24,500+ black professionals that are supporting each other's businesses. It is a powerful group with lots of benefits and opportunity to connect with other powerful black professionals and their families all around the world.
This is one of the hottest, new websites on the Internet, called
Black people are uniting to network and support black businesses (mlm’s are welcomed). It's really great. If you’re ready to be a part of a movement that will create wealth in our communities (that means you) I encourage you to click on the link, JOIN and list your business for added exposure and reach for your products and/or services. Visit the site and check out the businesses, the brothers and sistas that are a part of this GROWING movement.
Be blessed,
Barb Brockus, MBA
Welcome to BBWO!
It is my hope that this book circulates amongst many generations, educating adults and children alike. If our children are educated early about the proper use of credit and the importance of protecting their names, then we could see a greater outcome.
Author of Innocent Victims
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Hello Sis:
May God Bless you in all of your future endeavours.
Peace & Blessings - Sis. Helen
Attn: Dreams Radio Music
1637 E. 87th Street #435
Chicago, IL 60617
You may send to me copyright protected music via email at OR you can mail a