San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX
May 3
Why do you want to join Black Business Women Online?
I believe that Black Business Women Online is a very useful social networking website for our community. As a business owner I believe it is essential tool for connecting with our friends, family and customers.
What's Your Business?
Trinity Lace Wigs
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Googled social networking tool for Black Women.
About Me:
Stephanie Anderson BSM, is a Hair Replacement Specialist and instructor. She has over 20 years of experience in Hair Care and Replacement. Her credentials include dual licensing in both Oklahoma and Texas, a member of the Beauty Culturist League and Technical Assistant for Avlon Industries, Inc (2004). Stephanie received training from many of the elite in hair care such as Barry Fletcher, DeShawn Bullard and the Master Hair Weaver, Clem Lu Yat. Also, she believes that educating our customers on the best use of our lace wigs, hair care and products is intrinsic to the mission at TrinityLacewigs.Com. She is a member of Sistas in Business, African American Leadership Institute (AALI) Fellow and business owner. She is a proud wife and mother.
What are your most common online activities?
Most currently I am keeping up with friends and family on Facebook. I sign on many times during the day to www.trinitylacewigs.com to assist customers not comfortable with web surfing with placing orders or asking questions. Also, I like to take a sneak peak at Essence, Black Enterprises and Mediatakeout. LOL
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