Acworth, GA
Acworth, GA
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About Me:
Step Forward, Inc. Empower people with knowledge, Encourage them along their journey, Enlighten them with the Truth "Purposely Created" Our program Purposely Created is centered on helping our teenagers discover their natural talents, gifts, and abilities at a young age giving them a greater opportunity for success. STEP works with teens to discover and sometimes rediscover their dreams. Creating a vision that leads to success. We truly believe each one of us are destined & wired to accomplish great achievements in life.
What are your most common online activities?
Studying for MBA
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Coach ID#143549
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Hello, I want to share a few tools with you that's made a lot of difference in my business.
http://businessvidz.com this is free software that teaches you how to use twitter to make money.
http://sharedaluv.farrell10.hop.clickbank.net this website teaches you how to build you list first before selling a product online so you will always have a market to sell too. this is an auto responder that I'm learning to rely on heavily to help monitor your list of clients
http://businessvidz.com Hello, My name is Lil Darryl. LOL. MY name is Houston and I've been working on finding programs that are free to help generate traffic for businesses. Please take a look and see if it's something of use to you. I LOVE FEED BACK. Thank you
How would you like to raise funds for Step Forward, Inc. and the programs you have.
Time To Travel, Inc has a FUNDRAISING OFFER..."FREE" Travel Vouchers for non-profit, charitable organizations, churches, and schools. You can receive $25.00 per voucher for your fundraiser.
Time To Travel, Inc., also have Business/Event "FREE" Travel Vouchers Promotion.
For your customers/clients appreciation.

You'll find an awesome group of women here lead by a dynamicEntrepreneur Lashanda Henry. Feel free to add me as a friend!
P.S. Feel free to request my free special report
"Barriers to Empowerment"
I would like to invite you to check out my blog...Which is an empowering blog dedicated to Today's Woman...highlighting articles related to woman.
I use Celebrity and real life examples to discuss different topics related to relationships, fashion, hair and music. You will thoroughly enjoy!
Check it out at http://superwomanspeaks2010.blogspot.com/ join up to follow my blog as certain contests will be available soon related to the articles. You can also follow me on twitter @superwomanspeak I also am currently looking for wonderful success stories for an interview section of my blog! If you have a great story to tell message me! I will be highlighting different people or business owners from all over the World! triciawhiteinc@hotmail.com
Hope to talk with you soon!