
Friends (152)

  • Lisa Henry

    Birthday:May 23 What's Your Business?Flash Website Customization/Design (Legal Marketing Services)
  • Bijals Exotic Jewelry

    What's Your Business?Retail Jewelry and Accessories
  • JaniceDennis

    What's Your Business?Promote health, wellness, and wealth
  • Zhana

    What's Your Business?Zhana Productions. I am a publisher, relationships expert and Transformational Growth Consultant.
  • Ladyjd721

    What's Your Business?Community Outreach
  • Go'diloX

    What's Your Business?Music Promoter/Events Decorator/Coordinator
  • Jazz

    What's Your Business?Soul Purpose & ACN - (video phones, cell phones and satellite TV)

    What's Your Business?PUBLICIST to the Rich and Famous, Concerts, Corporations, Exclusive Events, Television & Films, Mega Fundraisers, Marketing, Advertising, Photography, Corporate Sponsors
  • Rachelle Christopher

    What's Your Business?Chelly Unique*
  • Adele J Foster

    What's Your Business?Personal and Professional Development
  • Tina Carlyle MSN RN

    What's Your Business?Nurse Author, and Zurvita "Securing your financial future." Think about it, How many of us Use a computer? How many of us shop, cut out coupons, shop online, and just spend on everyday needs? How many of us need an increase in our credit scores? How many of us would like to be in control over our utilitiy rates and protect ourselves from the rising cost of energy? Health care who needs it and who wants it at a reasonable price? I can keep going on and on but instead I challenge you to view my site and take the time out to give me a call because your bailout plan is in your hands..... Go to
  • Dr. Angela S. King

    What's Your Business?Ministry & Financial Services
  • Serenity Woman Magazine

    What's Your Business?Online Woman's Magazine
  • Lorri Jackson Brown

    Age:59 Birthday:March 13 What's Your Business?Strictly Business Cleaning; Calvin Stennis Foundation, Credit Masters of Atlanta,
  • Coach Elizabeth

    What's Your Business?
  • Elladine Jackson

    What's Your Business?Printing / Air Purifiers / Infinity2 Nutrition
  • L Dawson (Nita)

    What's Your Business?Searching For New Business
  • felicia

    What's Your Business?mineral make up and candles and jewely