
Friends (27)

  • LaShanda Henry

    What's Your Business?Urban Marketing, Web Development, Graphics Design
  • Laura Lyseight

    Birthday:November 8 What's Your Business?Author, Teen Coach & Entrepreneur
  • Virtue Women LLC

    Birthday:October 13 What's Your Business?Fashion Accessory Boutique, Mary Kay,Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry
  • Bianca B. King

    Birthday:November 23 What's Your Business?Seven5 Seven3 Marketing Group. We are an affordable, highly effective graphic design and marketing firm dedicated to helping small to mid-size businesses reach their potential.
  • Mary

    Age:47 Birthday:January 23 What's Your Business?Event Planning
  • Shownda Pagan

    Birthday:May 20 What's Your Business?Virtual Organization & Personal Consultant
  • Naughtee Bits

    Birthday:February 4 What's Your Business?Handmade hair accessories, hats, jewelry, and costumes
  • Tamika Maria Martell

    Birthday:August 9 What's Your Business?A-line Style Services
  • Barbie

    Birthday:January 21 What's Your Business?Fashion
  • Aminata Camara

    Birthday:October 8 What's Your Business?Afrochet - Fashionable Handmade Crochet Wear
  • Cheryl Morrow

    Birthday:February 22 What's Your Business?We teach new and existing business owners the art and science of internet marketing to increase sales in their online businesses
  • Tiffany M. Phenix

    Birthday:November 17 What's Your Business?Tiffany's Beauty Health and Wellness

    Birthday:January 23 What's Your Business?Spiritual Development for Women
  • Jamie Fleming-Dixon

    Birthday:May 14 What's Your Business?Founder/Editor-in-Chief of She Runs It Blogazine
  • Andrea macon

    Birthday:December 2 What's Your Business?Adore Beauty Collection
  • JaNice Mitchell

    What's Your Business?Graphic Design Company
  • kiffany

    What's Your Business?Dugger Publishing, LLC
  • Latoya Ludd

    Age:41 Birthday:December 8 What's Your Business?In Progress...