
Friends (13)

  • TheShoeLady

    Birthday:October 5 What's Your Business?I have an online shoes and clothing and
  • Shirley

    What's Your Business?Trafficzone (Traffic Exchange)
  • Jennic

    What's Your Business?Unique, wooden, and handmade toys and smart children products.
  • Ewon

    What's Your Business?Building People
  • Dionna Harvell

    What's Your Business?Event Planner / Coordinator
  • Cherlynn

    Age:47 Birthday:December 17 What's Your Business?Bookkeeping, Income Tax Preparation, Insurance Agent, Independent Seriesse Consultant, Independent Reliv Distributor, Pre-Paid Legal Representative, Notary, E-Commerce
  • O2Weddings

    What's Your Business?Wedding / Event Photography
  • Mary Oyedijo

    What's Your Business?Event Planning
  • Paula Moffett

    Birthday:November 22 What's Your Business?Web Desing
  • Lisa Lewis

    What's Your Business?Event Coordination
  • Making Your Event Special

    What's Your Business?Wedding and Event Consulting
  • J.C. Hurst

    What's Your Business?joyful creations for all of your special events.
  • PheNixx

    What's Your Business?By Phe'Nixx