
Friends (9)

  • LaShanda Henry

    What's Your Business?Urban Marketing, Web Development, Graphics Design
  • karen simmons

    What's Your Business?Health Care
  • Katherine Billionaire Brown

    What's Your Business?AVON

    What's Your Business?STAYIN HOME AND LOVIN IT
  • Tawana Necole

    What's Your Business?CORPORATE Chics, LLC & SSE (501(c)3
  • Minister Coylette James

    What's Your Business?God's Marketplace Ministries
  • Alison Warfield

    Age:64 Birthday:February 25 What's Your Business?Self-care and Welness Coach; that offers natural, organic self-care and wellness products.
  • Sherri Jones

    What's Your Business?An online beauty, style and wellness magazine and community for women of color
  • Deena Pierott

    What's Your Business?Mosaic Blueprint is a professional Job Board for diversity candidates to find great jobs. I'm also the Founder of the International Black Women's Collaborative at, come join us.