
All Members (9015)

  • Tia W. Cooke

    Birthday:February 9 What's Your Business?Christian Magazine and Graphic Design/Marketing business
  • Nicole Baldwin

    Birthday:March 20 What's Your Business?Beauty/Skincare
  • Jacqueline Taylor-Adams

    Birthday:June 19 What's Your Business?TaylorAdams Marketing & Management
  • Tani Chambers

    Birthday:April 12 What's Your Business?Green Beauty & Living
  • Lenora Johnson

    Birthday:March 8 What's Your Business?Résumé Writing Service
  • Yolanda Harrison

    Birthday:August 14 What's Your Business?Catering, crafting and soapmaking
  • Milli Banks Boggan

    Birthday:January 21 What's Your Business?Cupcake Bakery & Insurance Agency
  • Donna Marie Johnson

    What's Your Business?The Love-Infused Marketing & Graphics Strategist ™
  • Dequiana Brooks

    Birthday:July 22 What's Your Business?Inspired Marketing, Inc. & Inspired Graphics Media
  • Temi Washington

    What's Your Business?Illustrations---Original Prints---Wearable hand decorated shoes
  • Cassaundra Bourne

    Birthday:August 5 What's Your Business?Cassaundra's Clothing Boutique
  • Lorraine Smith

    Birthday:April 18 What's Your Business?I officially do not have a business. I have started this journey by committing to eating a raw food diet for the month of June and blogging about it @ After the 30 days post before and after pics and go from there. Although I know some things from reading and experience, I need to commit totally and show results in order to be an example to others. Another motivator to promote "eating more fruits and veggies", is that the women in my family are overweight and on high blood pressure medication. I see that if I don't change my ways I'll be right with them.
  • Aminia

    What's Your Business?Travel and Shopping
  • Takayenna Myers-McGee

    Birthday:March 31 What's Your Business?Wedding Creations by Takayenna
  • Cory Clay

    Birthday:January 9 What's Your Business?Writer, Radio Internet Host, KB Gold Affiliate
  • Natasha Mitchell

    What's Your Business?Mary Kay, Public Relations/Marketing at a Christian university
  • Lurie Daniel-Favors, Esq.

    What's Your Business?Daniel Favors Law Group P.C.
  • Zeechi Ufondu

    Birthday:August 8 What's Your Business?E-commerce, unique gift ensembles