
My latest creation. While I was away I decided to step up my game and try my hand at cold process soap making. For those of you who don't know what cold process soap making means its the process of combining moisturizing oils either vegetable derived or animal derived and sodium hydroxide NoaH (Lye) at a certain temperature to start the saponification (chemical reaction) of turning these oils into soap. Please note that without sodium hydroxide you cannot make soap including the bars that you buy at a retail store which include many harsh chemicals that you probably cannot even pronounce let alone understand why they are added to each bar that you've probably purchased at one point in time. These bars are all natural and contain the finest oils available to provide complete moisture to your skin. Because I am a avid animal lover I do not support the use of animal derived oils (fat) so you will never find any animal derived ingredients in my products. No animals have been harmed for the purpose of making my products. The scent of this soap is a Pink Sugar Type dupe.
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