If you watched my video 'Making the Most Of Your Time Online', you know that beyond random tweets and sharing promotional links you should be having thoughtful conversations with other entrepreneurs. While browsing the BBWO Forum this morning, I came across a few discussions that might be of interest to you.

You might also want to visit the BBWO Video Library to review the latest featured videos including '5 Best Practices for a World Class Email Strategy' by Tanya Smith.

Forum discussions and videos are just the beginning. Are you ready to join the SistaSense Circle mastermind group for weekly calls filled with web business advice from LaShanda Henry? We are currently on our 5th call, which was all about product launches. Join us for call #6 next week and listen to the replays. Go to http://circle.sistasense.tv.

More to come! - BBWO Founder LaShanda Henry

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