Knoxville, Tennessee/Orginally From The Northeast
Knoxville, Tennessee/Orginally From The Northeast
Why do you want to join Black Business Women Online?
To help other women with legitimate business opportunities, educational, careers, work at home, home based opportunities, to help empower others with valueable and legitimate information that can help them to be self-sufficient and knowing that they can be successful in helping others!
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Work At Home
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A Friend
About Me:
I love and enjoy helping other people! I have two adult sons and one granddaughter. My oldest son has Tourette Syndrome and has written a book entitled - Me & My Tourette's: Motivated By GOD. The link to my son's book is "see Favorite Website below" I am also my son's manager in helping him to promote his book as well as letting people know about Tourette Syndrome. If you have any questions, just let me know. GloriaW77@gmail.com There is valuable information that is legitimate online and offline business opportunities, work at home, fundraising information that I have available as well that can help others! Including Dental, Fundraising, Work At Home, etc.
What are your most common online activities?
Work At Home, Business Opportunities - Internet, etc.
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Hello ,
This is Traci S Campbell from Chicago, IL.
Thanks so much for connecting. I am always excited to meet new people online, learn and share.
I wish you the best in promoting your sons book.
I host the Heroes At Home Radio show and will release my 1st book 'The C.H.A.M.P. Within' in less than a month. This is an exciting time in my life. I am open to your feedback on my websites. If you have any advice, please do share :)
I also invite you to join us or invite a friend that would benefit from the encouraging testimonies from the single parents on my show. They can register for a free C.H.A.M.P. audio and transcript from my blog - http://blog.traciscampbell.com.
I look forward to your reply.
Your Friend,
Traci S Campbell
Author & Teen Advocate
How are you?
Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship...
Stay In touch,
See what's new! http://www.ytb.com/rushing
Thanks, Bob & Shirley
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Watch this great presentation by Melissa Boston!
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Videos Posted by YTB Deals and Steals
Thanks, Bob and Shirley
This is LaShanda Henry, founder of Black Business Women Online. I hope you are enjoying the network. If you want to really get started, Grab your FREE Black Business Starter Kit which includes social networking tips, webinars, and more.
If you already signed up for the Kit that's Great! Have an amazing day.
Negativity, Doubt, and Rebellion – this behavior is more than annoying. It is destructive, counterproductive, and primarily hindrances. The term commonly used to refer to this type of behavior is pessimism. Read More...
Nice to be friends with you in Facebook! I am a Wellness Coach with Soul Purpose and was wondering if you have heard of us? I would love to share it with you and help you have more in your life! By the way, you know anyone who would like to eat chocolate and lose 10-1 lbs. in a month? That's what happens with my TRU Chocolate! It's flyin' off the shelves at Soul Purpose and we are making a difference in lives and our bank accounts. Might you be interested? Please send me you tel number and we can chat! I am havin' a great time helping others get well, take control of their lives and get thier bodies back! And that is only one of my many amazing products! I am in CA and so Let's chat! I am on 714-305-2128. Happy Aloha Friday!