Tucker, GA
Tucker, GA
January 24
Why do you want to join Black Business Women Online?
To get exposure and to be around postive like minded women like myself.
What's Your Business?
Jai's Handmade Body Products
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About Me:
My name is Kenya Calloway I’m originally from a small town in South Alabama called Brewton. I came to Atlanta, GA in 1984 right after high school to attend the Art Institute of Atlanta where I graduated, and stayed in Atlanta. For years later I did the corporate thing which was killing me softly. I always wanted my own business particularly an accessory shop selling only the flyiest shoes, hats, purses, jewelry, hosiery etc. But I guess that wasn’t in the Higher plans. I went to bed about 9 years ago and had a dream on what I was supposed to do and why so I started slow because I didn’t quite believe on just how this was going to work. But here I am very happy, of course you have those VERY difficult days but the love of it and they way my customers seem to feel when they leave my small store makes it all worth it. I am 44 years old, married with one daughter her name is Jaime, thus the company name Jai’s handmade body products.
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Hello, I want to share a few tools with you that's made a lot of difference in my business.
http://businessvidz.com this is free software that teaches you how to use twitter to make money.
http://sharedaluv.farrell10.hop.clickbank.net this website teaches you how to build you list first before selling a product online so you will always have a market to sell too. this is an auto responder that I'm learning to rely on heavily to help monitor your list of clients
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It is great to see other women in the pampering products. I would like for you to join my site Gift basket Divas so we can share tips and any up and coming events.
also check out my page and site.

You'll find an awesome group of women here lead by a dynamicEntrepreneur Lashanda Henry. Feel free to add me as a friend!
P.S. Feel free to request my free special report
"Barriers to Empowerment"
I would like to invite you to check out my blog...Which is an empowering blog dedicated to Today's Woman...highlighting articles related to woman.
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Hope to talk with you soon!