Atlanta GA
Atlanta GA
May 31
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To advertise my business and to contribute to this great website in any way that I can!
What's Your Business?
Virtuous Life Coaching from a Christian Perspective
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Search Engine
About Me:
I am a Christian Life Coach and I enjoy teaching and consulting with women who want to improve their understanding of how to apply the principles of the virtuous woman to develop their Beauty, Purpose and Spiritual Balance.
What are your most common online activities?
social networking
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this website teaches you how to build you list first before selling a
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How are you?
Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship...
Stay In touch,
invitation you to join me Shop YTB.

Thank You, Bobhttp://rushingtravelbiz.com
I checked out your ning site and I really like the video you put at the top left for your profile. It really provides a nice intro to the site. I just uploaded 2 new blog posts to my page. If you get a moment, check them out. Have a wonderful day!
I just watched your video and I think you did a great job on your clients makeover. She looked great and she seemed to feel great.
Welcome to BBWO we are so excited that you decided to join the network. May Gods Peace, Love and Blessing be upon you And may you be blessed with tremendous favor and increase in the coming year.
Be Blessed - Sis Hellen (Sista's Empowered by Gods Word 2009) at http://www.sistasempoweredbygodsword2009.ning.com
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your networking experience while on this wonderful site.
Please review my HIV / AIDS Film Trailer and tell me what you think. Thanks!
How are you?
Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship...
Stay In touch,
invitation you to join me Shop YTB.

Thank You, Bobhttp://rushingtravelbiz.com