
Friends (93)

  • Chiquita Doss

    Birthday:July 18 What's Your Business?AVON
  • Felita Daniely

    Birthday:January 7 What's Your Business?GBG
  • Cissi Sherlock/Operation OpenUP

    Birthday:February 8 What's Your Business?() Outreach, (2) BUSINESS INCUBATOR (3) PR/Marketing, (4) Health and Wellness), (4) Prepaid Cellular
  • Rose McKeller

    Birthday:April 15 What's Your Business?Handmade handbags and jewelry
  • Patricia Holloway

    Birthday:February 17 What's Your Business?I make candy babies and christian and humorous tee's
  • Tricia Heard

    Birthday:January 6 What's Your Business?Selling Handbags, Shoes, Jewelry, and Accessories
  • Cathy Harris

    Birthday:October 6 What's Your Business?Empowerment Company
  • Keewasha L.Harvey

    Birthday:September 11 What's Your Business?Labella Baskets
  • Visage by Marie-Claire

    What's Your Business?Skin Care, Cosmetics
  • Margaret Rogers

    Birthday:September 27 What's Your Business?Direct Sales - doll clothes and furniture
  • Kisha Townsend

    Birthday:July 30 What's Your Business?GirlFriendz' TotallyYou
  • Odarise Odarez

    Birthday:February 4 What's Your Business?Diverse Expressions
  • Tanai M. Coleman

    What's Your Business?TaDa Networking & Events and TMC Financial Consulting
  • Alfanette Mays

    Birthday:October 17 What's Your Business?Simply Amazing Organic Products
  • Richetta

    Birthday:November 12 What's Your Business?Life Coach for Women
  • Sibylla Nash

    What's Your Business?I'm an author, freelance writer and I've also created a line of t-shirts for our girls to help them celebrate their hair. It's all about the Power to the Puffs!
  • Kenyada Mabone

    Birthday:November 17 What's Your Business?I Sell Wigs (Full Lace Wigs) (Long,Short,and Medium
  • Shereka Heard

    Birthday:October 2 What's Your Business?Exclusive Parties