
Friends (14)

  • Ms. D

    Birthday:October 10 What's Your Business?Independent Sales Jewelry for Cookie Lee
  • Tasha M. Brown

    Birthday:September 23 What's Your Business?The Women's Leadership Network, Inc.
  • Joy Smith

    Birthday:January 21 What's Your Business?Writer and Internet Marketer
  • Lahesha Williams

    What's Your Business?Career Motivator
  • Sibylla Nash

    What's Your Business?I'm an author, freelance writer and I've also created a line of t-shirts for our girls to help them celebrate their hair. It's all about the Power to the Puffs!
  • Sharlyne C. Thomas

    Birthday:August 20 What's Your Business?Writing/Speaking/Proofreading & Editing
  • Angelina F Brown-Mosley

    Birthday:November 1 What's Your Business?Cosmetics
  • Michelle S. Hawkins

    Birthday:March 6 What's Your Business?Wire Sculptured Jewelry and Fiber Art
  • Chineze "Mahogany" Butler

    What's Your Business?Operations Manager for GLAM Gyrlz also Owner of Glamified Boutique
  • Walethia Aquil

    What's Your Business?Grace and Charm
  • Lutonya M. Lang

    What's Your Business?Marketing & Promotions Company, EMagazine and two clothing lines
  • Denise Bethune

    What's Your Business?Editor-In-Chief P.E.A.S Magazine/Publicity Manager/Peas In Their Pods
  • Melvina Garcia

    Birthday:December 5 What's Your Business?Inspirational Expressions Christian Gift Store
  • Eula M. Young, COO

    What's Your Business?Production (Film/Video), Post-Production (editing) and Multi-Media (video newsletter, electronic business cards, video e-blast etc.)