I enjoy finding deals. After a long hard day at work or Grad school, the last thing I want to do is shop around for the best sales of the week at my favorite clothing stores. Shopping on sale makes me feel better. I need to know that my dollar is str
I'm really excited because the snow up here has finally melted and it feels like spring today. As I said before that I truly believe that 2011 is my year of success. So I decided that for my business I will create something new everyday. I created th
When we "CHOOSE" to hold onto the hurt that others have inflicted upon us we make ourselves a "Prisoner of Hurt"! As long as we hold onto the hurt we stand in our own way of Destiny! It is time for a Prison Break Out! We hold the Key to the Cell we h
My name is Hannah Spivey and I'm a burgeoning authoress from Ft. Lauderdale.
Right now I'm a part time freelance writer and I'm presently looking for innovate
ways to promote my novel. The title of my novel is "Ebony the Beloved" and it's a
Yesterday, around 6 pm EST, Facebook decided to disable the SheEO's Rock community, without any warning whatsoever. Can you imagine? A thriving community with thousands of engaged, supportive and connected members, just poof. Gone. While this is
Our show, "The Wealth Building CPA reveals her secrets" on "RealEstateApprenticeship" is airing 02/16/2011 on BlogTalkRadio. Join Nicheole Amundsen Dayna Edwards and their special guest the wealth building CPA Ebere Okoye for a robust conversation a
I, like many people, have student loans that I want to desperately pay off. I wanted to start a program that would help reduce/eliminate student loan debt. I'm doing a poll to determine the need of this program.
Please respond to the following:
If you have a home office that's also in a common area of your home (like the living room, kitchen or den), I'm sure you know how difficult it can be to keep your space organized. Here are some quick tips to help:
The 3 Day Jump Start is endorsed by Donna Richardson Joyner who was appointed to the Presidential Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition under President Obama!
Learn how to Transform your Health, Drop the weight and increase your energy in 90 days
Last night's call - Clocks,Clicks,Cash: How to make the Most of Your Time Online was a huge success!
Lola posted this comment on my Facebook Page:
"Awesome call on Making the most of your time online LaShanda!!! I learned a lot! Everyone should le
Read more…
Successful Southern Sistasis pleased to present our February Feature Friday interview with the vibrant Tiffany Aliche also known as “The Budgetnista”. Tiffany is the founder of CLD Financial Life LLC, was recently featured in Essence Magazine and
Do you have a youtube channel? If so, please post it here so that we can exchange links. My youtube channel is: https://www.youtube.com/user/lhenry
Are you new to video marketing? Have you not tried it yet? Did you know that youtube.com takes up abou
I've recently gotten into niche marketing. Does anyone here have a successful niche blog or website that has been monetized and is providing a steady stream of passive income?
I'm in a GREAT workshop right now that is helping me through the proces