6 Success Habits of a Business Blogger

Entrepreneurs and small business owners who are creating their brand online, know that blogging for business is in fact, serious business. There are a number of things that set a business blogger apart from the average blogger, with one recognizable difference being that the business blogger’s BLOG, is a business of its own.

Here are 6 Success Habits of a Business Blogger

They have a plan and they know how to execute it. Serious business bloggers don’t do things at random or on the whim, blogging is a fundamental part of their business strategy and recognized as a highly effective marketing tool.

Therefore, nothing about blogging for them can be just thrown up on a blog and calling it a day for the sake of publishing content. Prior to production, the business blogger has created a plan of action, one that has a purpose behind the content and actionable steps to push the content out, along with a goal.

Business bloggers have a solid strategy. To go along with the plan and purpose of their blog, the business blogger has designed a strategy, that brings the two components together. They have a clear process and system for every aspect of the blog.

Content is created to match a deeper marketing strategy that attracts and leads the reader, to a specific conversion. They abide by a strategic structure that brings a consumer effortlessly, through each step of the system and ultimately to the desired destination.

They are forward thinkers. The average blogger thinks about today’s post or maybe even tomorrow, but the business blogger is thinking much further ahead. They take time chart the expected course of growth over an extended period of time, based on specific goals and topic focus.

Business bloggers understand that long term relationship development, far out weighs a one time promotional sale or immediate spike of traffic generation.

Value quality over quantity. One of the highest priorities for a business blogger is to establish a credible brand for their business and in order to do that, the content they deliver must meet their greatest expectations of quality. After all, their reputation is on the line.

Quality, informative and educational content is what inspires and motivates readers to share what they’ve read with their networks which benefits the business blogger by leveraging their promotional efforts. Delivering quality is a win-win for everyone.

Their goal is to educate readers. Most bloggers write to share their thoughts or opinions about a particular topic or subject of interest. Though a business blogger does the same, they add an additional element – education.

Any blogger can share their opinion but blogging for your business entails a deeper level of understanding surrounding your brand, in relation to your market. It is one thing to share knowledge, but taking it up a notch and educating consumers helps the business blogger stand out as an authority in their industry.

Tracks results and makes adjustments. An important part of being a business blogger is knowing what is working and what is not. Being aware of how traffic flows to the blog, what keywords are generating leads and what content is better at conversion is all a part of operating a business blog.

The business blogger is a calculated risk taker and has the tenacity to achieve their desired results even if it means learning how to monitor metrics and track and tweak, until it is right.

For the serious online small business owner, blogging is an intricate part of building a viable and profitable business online. Discover how you can become a business blogger and start building a credible brand and social influence.



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  • Thank you Shimeka, glad you found it helpful!
  • Great Tips.  I really needed to read this.

  • Thanks Vernetta, I agree...quality definitely keeps me coming back to a blog as well!

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