- 5 TIPS ON ESTABLISHING A PRESENCE IN YOUR COMMUNITY -By: Score1. Create an advisory board representative of your customers (even if they’re kids) and publicize it. Listen to the board’s ideas.2. Publish a newsletter about your business for customers and potential customers. Send it via regular mail or email and post it on your Web page.3. Make your values clear. One couple promotes their commitment to family—sometimes closing their store early to attend soccer games when their children or employees’ children are competing.4. Make donations that represent your business. If you have a garden supply business, for example, contribute seeds and simple tools for a community garden.5. Serve as a volunteer in your community and encourage your employees to follow suit. Marketing by getting involved.Click here http://www.onyxsix.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=22:5-tips-on-establishing-a-presence-in-your-community&catid=13:how-to-guides&Itemid=13 to read more.- SIGN UP FOR THE ONYX SIX NEWSLETTER -Sign up for our free newsletter to receive information on upcoming events, business advice and special offers from Onyx Six click here http://oi.vresp.com/?fid=ef70831112 to opt in.