I've been putting off cutting my kids' hair, mostly from fear. Fear that they would be too squirmy and that the scissors would end up in someone's eye, ear, chest... But I decided instead of waiting for my cousin to come over and cut their hair, I would go ahead and just do it.So after feeding them, and while they were still in their highchairs busy stuffing cheerios in their mouths, I whipped the scissors out and much like Edward Scissor Hands I began to cut. They didn't even flinch. They just sat there calm as could be looking up at me as I snipped, snipped away. Although Noah towards the end started to cry, but that was more because of no cheerios being on his tray and "yes.. Mommy I'm getting tired of this chair. Get me out!!"And of course I did save the first cuttings and put it in their own little plastic baggie labeled with their names and the date, so I could put it in their scrapbook later. And yes I took before and after pix. Doesn't every parent do these things?
Noah-AfterAnd so fear...that evil monster that stops us from spreading our wings and flying, crippled me into immobility and allowed my kids to look like little mop heads. Yes this was a little task but so often we also allow fear to cripple us from doing important things too...things that stifle our dreams; things like starting that new business; talking to strangers about our business; attending that conference; closing that deal; networking and so much more that I could list.All this gibberish from a mom trying to cut her kids' hair...I know it sounds silly. But the most poignant of lessons can be seen in the smallest and simpliest of things.