Thank you for voting for me; I am currently #6 out of 188; I must remain in the top 10 to be considered for round 2. Thank you for helping me to obtain the spot and now I need your support to maintain the top 10 spot. - you can vote daily until June 21th 12:30am.If you have voted thank you, if you vote again, thank you... if you are to busy, I understand and if you haven't, go vote1.Go to http://www. smashboxonline. com/beautyguru. html?pbb_qsi=2798215&=PP_VoteConfirm_265_PPIMEMAIL2.Under the top navigation, you'll see Entries - click there3.You'll see Me'Shun's cute little picture (attached in case you can't find her)4.VOTE!!! If you can log on to other computers, do it!! We need to get this girl to FASHION WEEK~~~