Why You Should NEVER Talk To Cops

Greetings Family,(Contact Information At Bottom Of Page)It's your friendly neighborhood "Digital Drummer" again (smile)I receive hundreds of emails daily, but this one from Melvin Pratt (spinbird_oma@yahoo.com) especially caught my attention. As many who have followed the drama of Jim Neusom knows, I have just recently been acquitted of Social Security Fraud. The reason I bring that up, is because if I had followed the advice given in this webinar, I would never have been convicted in the first place (see http://www.citylightssoftware.com/JIN_appeal_2.html).Two Federal agents showed up at my door late one night, and believing that I was innocent, and this was simply an accounting error, I gave them a voluntary statement that to my shock and dismay, was later characterized as a confession to the Jury.Now understand, that there was no evidence of me committing any crime other then my voluntary statement. I never forged any signature, failed to file the required forms, or misreported any information...I simply said to the Feds, that I was aware of the deposits and spent the money.My purpose in telling my story is to help deter others from cooperating with the police and incriminating themselves in a crime they did not commit. The police are not your friends. They are not there to help you...they are there to solve a crime (by any means necessary)!Now don't get it twisted. This is not another "Stop Snitchin" thread. This is just some good advice for anyone that encounters the Police. Even in a traffic stop situation, do not say anything other then here is my license and insurance. Don't try to explain your actions, cooperate by allowing them to search your car, or agree to anything the officer tells you.Please take the time to send brother Pratt a shout-out and thank him for this empowering information. This online video webinar is in two parts and roughly one hour long. But below is some of the highlights and legal talking points highlighted in this law class;---Why You Should Never Talk To Cops---http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/342.html1. There is NO way it can help youa) You can't talk your way out of getting arrestedb) You can't give them any info that will help you at trial...seeFederal Rule of Evidence 801(d)(2)(A)2. If your client is guilty - and even if he is innocent - he may admit hisguilt with no benefit in returna) What's the rushb) In federal court, 86% of all defendants plead guilty at some point before trial.c) Your statement to the police may become admissible evidence by the time of trial, even if the police officer dies, is convicted ofwrong doing, or all other evidence is thrown out3. Even if your client is innocent and denies his guilt and mostly tell the truth, he can easily get carried away and tell some little lie or make some little mistake that will hang him at trial.4. Even if your client is innocent and only tells the truth, he will always give the police some information that can be used to help convict him.a) It is impossible to talk to the police for a long period of time and not give them something that they can twist into anincriminating factor and/or something that can help their case5. Even if your client is innocent and only tells the truth and does not tell the police anything incriminating, there is still a grave chance that his answers can be used to crucify him, if the police don't recall his testimony with **100% accuracy.6. Even if your client is innocent and only tells the truth and does not tell the police anything incriminating, and his statement is videotaped, his answers can be used to crucify him if the police don't recall their questions with **100% accuracy**Police make mistakes (let's not say the police lie). Now It's Your Word Against Theirs...and we all know which one the jury is more likely to believe.7. Even if your client is innocent and only tells the truth and does not tell the police anything incriminating and the entire interview is videotaped, his answers can still be used to crucify him if the police have any evidence from mistaken, or unreliable evidence that counters any of his statements, and makes him look like he's lying.8. If you deny guilt and then later confess, or facts determine you lied to the police in your initial statement, you now have a new charge that can be worse then the original charge (think Marion Jones, or Michal Vick).Always remember, it is legal for the police to lie, trick, and manipulate you during an interrogation. They are trained to do just that. Any first year lawyer (worth his salt) will only allow the police to talk to you after they have promised some type of immunity or plea deal.***************(Advertisement)*********************Need some great ideas for corporate or personal gift-giving?Then go to City Lights Software(http://www.citylightssoftware.com )and see some of the most unique afrocentric gifts available online!We Deliver ONLINE - Direct To Your Desktop for just $14.95Please take the time to purchase one our afrocentric screen savers TODAY!Don't Just Talk the Talk...Let Your Dollars Walk the WalkIf you have any problems with purchasing online contact me direct at sales@citylightssoftware.com or call (213) 944-4176******************************************************This Online Journal was brought to you by InterServe Networks. Feel Free To Forward To Your Network Of Online FriendsWe Practice Responsible E-Commerce Marketing and Privacy Policies. We do not indulge in or encourage Spamming. We never send unsolicited emails. You are receiving this message as part of our opt-in subscriber mailing list or you are a member of an affiliated newsgroup.For comments or suggestions please contact us at the following;Jim Neusom (jneusom@yahoo.com)Executive Director/PublisherInterServe Networks/City Lights Software, Inc.www.citylightssoftware.comwww.freshfaces2u.comwww.myspace.com/jimneusomwww.myspace.com/freshfaces2uTo subscribe to our opt-in mailing list simply send an email to; The_City_Lights_Reporter-subscribe@yahoogroups.com ( on Myspace go to http://blog.myspace.com/jimneusom )
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