Every Black business no matter the size needs a web site that is as professional as possible. However if you are just starting out your funds may be extremely low, so hiring a professional web site designer may be out of the question.Don’t worry. You still have an option – Freewebs.com. Freewebs.com is a great solution for the Black business owner who can not afford a web site designer, web hosting, or other costs associated with owning a web site.Freewebs.com offers everything you need to get a web site started. Their free service includes professional web design templates, hosting, the ability to add a small shopping cart, a blog, forums, a photo album, contact us forms, and a guest book just to name a few. Now like other free services they do require that ads be displayed on your site. But for a small fee you can upgrade your services and have the ads removed.Freewebs.com premium services allow you to add a custom domain, a shopping cart that allows you to sell more items, as compared to the free service, membership/password protected areas and much more.When you are able to invest more money to upgrade your web site to a custom design with more flexibility and increase your web site traffic, then you will need to hire a professional web design and marketing firm. When that time arrives you should consider JaidonMedia.com.JaidonMedia.com specializes in helping small businesses move from the start-up phase to the up and running phase. Through their network of businesses they provide professional web design, search engine optimization (SEO), web site content, and online marketing solutions all customized to convert your web site visitors to buyers and meet your online marketing and sales goals. If you would like JaidonMedia.com to assist you now please feel free to visit their site www.jaidonmedia.com.