What Is Coaching?Have you ever utilized a coach?What is coaching?Coaching is one of the leading tools that highly-effective, successful people use to create and sustain a life that is everything they want and need. Through regular, 30-minute coaching sessions via telephone, I support, challenge, coach and serve as a sounding board for my clients to identify priorities, align their values with their actions, develop effective strategies for attracting what they want and make progress towards major life goals at an accelerated pace.Why work with a coach?Even those who are at the top of their game have the potential to get better when they have someone focused on them, pointing out the things they cannot see, encouraging and challenging them to stretch beyond their comfort zone. Individuals work with a coach because they are serious about their personal growth, maximizing their potential, and living the life they were born to live. The difference between working alone and working with a coach is that a coach is trained to listen in a way that generates questions and options that will help you get to the core of your innermost values and desires quickly.Join us on the call for a teleseminar call and learn more about the benefits of having a coach.Register at http://coachingisitforme.eventbrite.com.